Poczta Polska appeals to customers: Let's take care of our security together
Customers in postal facilities should have their lips and noses covered. This can be done with a disposable mask, material mask, scarves, scarf or even a scarf. Covering parts of the face is an important element of the fight against coronavirus, especially in a situation where Covid-19 infected people undergo asymptomatic and unknowingly infect the disease.
The purchase of 100,000 is planned in the near future Masks with filter inserts that will be intended for postmen and couriers. Until now, postalists received about 775 thousand. Gels for disinfecting hands in hand -held packaging and nearly 60,000 pcs. liquids for disinfecting hands and surfaces, almost 11.5 million pairs of disposable gloves, a million multiple use masks with the possibility of washing, over 600,000. disposable masks and over 80,000 plastic fingernails. In addition, post -actions separating service from customers were installed in postal facilities.
From the first days of March, Poczta Polska has taken a number of actions to minimize the risk of spreading the virus. The adopted solutions apply to both employees and clients using the company's services.
- We care about the safety of customers and employees, which is why we invariably appeal to everyone to keep a safe distance and observe all sanitary rigors. Customers using services in our facilities should keep a safe distance, as well as have a nose and lips covered. This is very important for the health safety of us all. Poczta Polska ensures that employees are equipped with personal protection measures and knowledge of how to serve customers safely - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board.
From April this year. Preventive disinfection in the Sorting of Poczta Polska is also carried out. These activities, which are worth emphasizing, although not obligatory, the mail is implemented cyclically. So far, a total of 270 disinfection in 15 postal centers has been carried out. Disinfection is primarily subjected to cloakrooms, sanitary nodes, social, technical and order rooms, in which large groups of employees are staying on a daily basis.
To reduce the risk of infection, changes were introduced in the organization of work in sorting plants and in the back of postal facilities. Employees were divided into teams that do not have direct contact with each other. Thanks to such solutions, in the case of one employee, you can easily determine who he had contact and how many people must be covered with quarantine. In addition, in the sorting plants and wherever there is a large number of people, the body temperature of all employees is measured every day.
From mid -April, reusable masks and antibacterial gels can be bought at postal facilities. They are available in various capacities, in versions intended for both children and adults.