Poczta Polska delivered examination tests for the final exams
As part of the Pocztex service, the couriers of Poczta Polska delivered to over 5,000 high schools throughout the country shipments with high school exams. Poczta Polska, as part of special actions for almost 20 years, provides shipments for high school graduates.
This year, the company delivered over 18 thousand. parcels containing exam sheets for all maturation subjects for students taking the secondary school -leaving examination throughout the country and sheets to district examination committees. About 250 couriers and postmen were responsible for servicing the examination of examination tests, who delivered shipments to over 5,000. high schools and 8 district examination committees.
- Poczta Polska as the only postal operator cooperates with customers broadcasting parcels containing examination tests. Pocztex couriers have been delivering parcels for high school graduates, eighth graders, with lawyers and judicial tests for many years. Always on time, while maintaining the highest rigors of timeliness. A special procedure, developed for each of the tests delivery actions, ensures security, monitoring and reporting at every stage of delivering these unusual shipments - emphasizes Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of Poczta Polska.
The process of delivery of Pocztex shipments with the compactness of exam sheets is implemented according to the individual procedure ensuring the adoption of material from the printing house, developing and sealing containers, and their detailed monitoring at every stage of the service by the post office. The delivery takes place on the days of exams, in non -standard mail 05:30–08: 00 by selected and trained couriers and postmen at the same time throughout the country.
In the case of delivery of such important shipments, safety and timeliness are extremely important. Poczta Polska together with the Ministry of Education jointly developed procedures regulating all security used as part of the examination of examination tests. These regulations describe in detail the security of both the load broadcast by the printing house, the protection of cars and containers in which the material is transported, as well as the procedures when storing shipments in our units on the monitored deposit fields as well as during their issuing and delivery. At each stage, the parcels in their "travel" are monitored, secured with special tapes and have additional procedures in force during delivery, i.e. only school directors are issued who have special authorization to receive.
Currently, the post office is preparing to deliver tests of eighth graders to primary schools throughout the country, which will take place on May 23, 24 and 25. In June, the company will deliver the exam sheets necessary to conduct examinations in vocational schools which ends at the beginning of July this year.