Polish and Argentine Post Office with joint emission of stamps

The rust and Czubatka potter are the heroes of the latest postage stamps. Unique natural emissions called "Argentina and Polish birds" entered circulation on November 25 this year.

By fulfilling its educational role, Poczta Polska introduces stamps to circulation not only commemorating characters and events important for our homeland, but also shows topics in the field of technology, culture, science and nature. An example of the latter is the latest broadcast "Birds of Argentina and Poland" with two stamps and a dedicated envelope of the first day of circulation.

The author of the Polish stamp is Paweł Myszka. To design a graphic designer, he used photos of Maciej Zdziarski, the author of the photography of Czubatka and J. Ghiozo - a rust potter, whose project was created by Maria de Los Angeles Nores. Common broadcast with Argentina was created in cooperation with the Polish embassy in Buenos Aires.

Stamps were made using the stochastic raster used in the production process. It allows you to display the smallest details of the birds of birds. In the colorful graphics of both stamps, against the background of birds, their Polish and Latin names, the title of issue and the inscription: Poland. The FDC envelope presents both stamps, their joint graphics, the name of the emission "Argentina and Polish birds" and a date stamp with the date of introduction into circulation.

Both species of birds build unusual constructions that are worth mentioning. The rust potter's socket is made of reed and silt, it resembles a very closed clay pot or bread stove. The male and female looked after the eggs and the care of the chicks. Czebatka as a medium numbers as a breeding bird is covered by strict species protection in Poland. For the construction of his nests, he uses decayed trees in which he drills hollows. An interesting fact is that the Czubatka accumulates food for winter, which pushes into the cracks of the bark on the tree, where she has hollows or in the moss covering it. They are located low above the ground (usually up to 1.5 m) and are lined with moss, grasses and lichen, and crowned with bristles and hair. Occasionally, these birds also use squirrel nests or breeding booths, but only if they are not too close to people, which results from their shy.

In the past, Poczta Polska has repeatedly published stamps with bird images. The first two editions of the "Polish birds" emissions covered stamps in the form of blocks, depicting an ordinary kingfisher in 2014, and in 2019 she presented on the stamps: white, black, white and gray heron. In 2015 and 2017, stamps with eight species of native owls went into circulation, including Eagle, flame, bodies or tissues. In 2019, the Europa emission stamp also came into circulation presenting the ordinary son -in -law.

About stamps:

Project author: Paweł Myszka

Number of stamps: 2

Values: PLN 4 

Edition: 240,000 pcs (120,000 each)

Print technique: offset + stochastic raster

Stamp format: 51 mm x 39.5 mm

Paper: fluorescent

Sales sheet: 8 stamps 

Date of introduction into circulation: November 25, 2022.
