Polish Post and State Forests together for the environment

Polish Post and State Forests together for the environment

Untitled project (2)The Polish Post and State Forests have concluded a cooperation agreement today in the field of pro -environmental projects. Cooperation as part of the social responsibility of the Polish Post Office will start in 2021, and employees of Poczta Polska on the principles of employee volunteering will plant forests in areas managed by LP.

The signing of the agreement is a natural continuation of the initiative implemented in 2020 by Poczta Polska and the State Forests. The impulse and announcement of undertaking broad cooperation was conducted on October 20 last year. Birthday action of planting trees in Solec Kujawski. At that time, employees of Poczta Polska from the network region in Bydgoszcz planted 462 trees, exactly as many years from the founding of Poczta Polska.

- This time we have a chance to affect the negative impact of man on the state of the natural environment. Pro -ecological projects are well part of the CSR policy of Poczta Polska and the company's involvement in the implementation of sustainable development goals, whose basic task is to maintain harmony between the environment, economy and society - said Tomasz Zdzikot, president of Poczta Polska. - Everyone knows that the forest has a huge impact on our health, but we don't always remember it. Forests are our common good and an essential element of ecological balance. Poczta Polska wants daily care for the environment a common habit - he added.

Andrzej Konieczny, general director of the State Forests, emphasizes that more and more companies want to plant trees. - It is worth remembering that plant about 500 million trees each year , i.e. on average a thousand per minute. Foresters plant them in places where we previously obtained wood for the needs of the Polish economy and families (renewal) and where the forest was not so far, for example, on unused porch soils (afforestation). Today, Poland is covered with forests in almost 30 percent, their area has been increased by about half from the end of the war - he says.

30 years ago, at the beginning of political changes, on each Pole there was an average of 99 trees in forests on the board of LP. Today, despite the fact that the population has not changed significantly since then, it is on average 161 per capita trees - 63 more.

The consequence of joint activities will be not only the development of forest areas, but above all to protect climate and air, which will also translate into a reduction in coal trace.
