Polish Post and Mun to develop cooperation in the field of cybersecurity

Polish Post and Mun to develop cooperation in the field of cybersecurity

agreement_mon_pp_1On April 30, 2021, the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland represented by the Director of the National Center for Cyberspace and Poczta Polska signed a cooperation agreement on the defense of cyberspace.

Considering that the Ministry of National Defense co -creates the National Cybersecurity System, and Poczta Polska is a designated operator (within the meaning of the Postal Law Act), including Tasks performed for defense, state security as well as public security and order, cooperation between both institutions, will contribute to a significant increase in the level of security of cyberspace of the Republic of Poland.

The actions taken jointly will include, in particular, the exchange of information in the field of cybersecurity, including the threats occurring in cyberspace and threats information. The agreement also applies to the use of experience and knowledge by the organization of joint trainings and mutual management of staff to undergo internships, as well as co -organizing studio visits and conferences. The document also includes cooperation in servicing cybersecurity incidents, thanks to the organization of joint exercises in the field of response to incidents, as well as advanced analysis of malware and vulnerabilities, including taking actions in the field of limiting the effects of these incidents.

The guarantee of the implementation of the tasks concluded in consultation on behalf of the NCBC is the MON (CSIRT) Computer Security Incident Responsible Team operating as part of the National Center for Cyberspace.

- Our goal is to ensure security in cyberspace for the state and citizens. We do this not only by constant monitoring of departmental ICT networks and preventing incidents, but also by active exchange of knowledge, information and experience with our partners, both domestic and foreign. CSIRT MON In cooperation with other entities of the national cyber security system in continuous mode, 24/7/365 conducts dynamic risk analysis and reacts to reported incidents. The signed agreement will allow the exchange of knowledge and own experiences and information about threats in cyberspace between teams - says Brig. Karol Molenda, director of the National Cyberspace Center.

- Thanks to the concluded agreement, we strengthen the partnership related to care for ensuring a high level of security, also in the Cyber ​​domain. Counteracting threats related to the growing importance of digital technologies, in the coming years will belong to the basic tasks of the post office, especially in the context of implementing the new strategy of the company, which pillars include, among others Increasing the share in the digital services market. The agreement will enable us to exchange experiences and best practices. Training, a constant increase in users' awareness of threats and possible defense methods, as well as building expert resources capable of challenges in the area of ​​cyber security - emphasized Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Poczta, will play an important role in our cooperation .

The parties also declared cooperation in the initiation and conduct of projects, as well as exchanges related experiences, good practices and standards. In the area of ​​interest of the parties, IT and those related to cybersecurity will include primarily, aimed at ensuring a high level of security and reliability for used systems and tools.

- Poczta Polska must include in its action elements of cybersecurity - threats are growing all the time, so it's worth fighting for customer trust, taking care of their sense of security. Poczta Polska has the potential to be one of the most important entities in the digital transformation of the state. To achieve this goal, he must also join market leaders in the area of ​​cyber security. Cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense will have a key role in this process - says Krzysztof Falkowski, Vice President of the Board of Poczta Polska.
