Poczta Polska Another year together with the Polish Amp Futbol national team

Poczta Polska Another year together with the Polish Amp Futbol national team

amp_futbol_polska_i_poczta_polska_przeduzenie_wspolpracy01Poczta Polska will continue cooperation with the Polish national team after amputation - Amp Futbol. The company has also been supporting people with disabilities for several years, constantly increasing their employment, and also adapting their facilities to the needs of people with disabilities.

- I am glad that the next year will be able to support the Polish Amp Futbol national team. The company is open to the needs of people with disabilities - both clients and employees. Our cooperation, however, is not only financial support for the national team, but also supporting the players themselves in their professional career. I am very hopeful that together we will be able to overcome the road, which will end with the hill by the captain of the White-Red European Championships Cup -says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

Poczta Polska is another great brand that has trusted Polish footballers. Thanks to cooperation, we can expect many interesting promotional campaigns, among others. in post offices throughout the country and related to the European Championships, which will take place in Krakow on September 12-19, 2021.

- It is very important to us that such a large brand as Poczta Polska wants to develop cooperation with our team. Thanks to the support of the mail we took a step forward and we can get better for the euro in Krakow. It is also pleased that our players find employment with our team's partner. Poczta Polska is a real friend of people with disabilities - said Mateusz Widłak, president of AMP Futbol Polska.

The company undertakes a number of activities aimed at increasing the activation of people with disabilities. Poczta Polska plans to employ a total of 360 people with disabilities this year. These activities are part of the strategy of Poczta Polska as a socially responsible company for which social opportunities are important. The post office also currently employs two players from amphol staff in Nakło Notecią and Bialystok.

- I am glad that Poczta Polska will continue to support our team, which is getting ready to fight for the EUR Ampfutbol medals. I am even more glad that I found my new workplace at the post office. I am grateful for this, the more that it is not easy to employ at the time. I work very well, and most importantly, thanks to the cooperation of Poczta Polska with Ampfutbol, ​​I have no problem with taking free for groupings and tournaments of the Polish national team - said Dawid Dobkowski, a Polish football representative at AMP Football and an employee of Poczta Polska.

The company constantly adapts its infrastructure to the needs of the disabled. The operator also offers solutions to facilitate the use of postal services to people with physical disabilities, including free service at the place of residence.
