Polish Post: Continuation of cooperation with the Polish national team in Ampfutbol

Polish Post: Continuation of cooperation with the Polish national team in Ampfutbol

Poczta Polska continues with successful cooperation with the "Amp Futbol" Football Association of Disabled People. The new contract concluded with the national team is valid until March 31, 2024.

Poczta Polska is a company friendly to people with disabilities. For many years, he has been supporting and increasing their employment, and also adapts facilities to their needs. Recently, the company has signed a declaration of an inter -sectoral partnership, which aims to increase the employment of people with disabilities and supporting socially integrating (inclusive) labor market. In this way, she undertook to support the implementation of a dozen or so specific goals related to the equality and prejudice labor market.

The company has also been cooperating with the Polish national team in Ampfutbol for many years. Disabled players break the barriers and prove that thanks to determination and hard work, goals can be achieved and dreams. These activities also fit into the strategy of Poczta Polska and build the company's image as a socially responsible company.

- Once again, we are involved in the support of the Polish AMP Futbol national team. As a socially responsible company, Poczta Polska wants to help players in their professional career is a unique and particularly important partnership. Thanks to this, the national team can continue to develop and be successful on the national and international arena - says Krzysztof Falkowski, president of Poczta Polska.

As part of the extended agreement with the national team, Poczta Polska has the possibility of using the image of representation and players in promotional activities. In addition, the company can organize actions involving Polish ampfutbolists.

- I am very pleased that such a large brand as Poczta Polska decides, not for the first time, to extend cooperation with our team. It is worth emphasizing that thanks to the post office and actions that we organize together at our tournaments, we have gained many new, fantastic fans. Also thanks to this cooperation, the Ampfutbol player hit the postage stamp, which is a unique and historical distinction for all our discipline - says Mateusz Widłak, president of the board of Amp Futbol Polska.

Amp Futbol Polska since 2011 has been promoting and developing ampfutbol, ​​i.e. football for people after amputations and people with limb defects in Poland and Europe. The Association runs the Polish Amp Futbol team, as well as the AMP Futbol Women's Staff and organizes PZU AMP Futbol Futbols - the Polish League of Footballers after amputations. It also created and develops a football band, the first football academy in Poland for children with physical disabilities, as well as the PZU Futbol Plus project to help establish similar academies throughout Poland.  

The most important sporting events in 2023, at which the Polish national team will appear in Ampfutbol, ​​will be the AMP Futbol Nations League of Nations 2023 (16-18 June, Krakow) and AMP Futbol Cup (16-17 September, Warsaw).
