Poczta Polska buys more defibrillators and implements a comprehensive pre -medical first aid program

Automatic external defibrillators (AED) are devices that allow you to restore normal heart rate in a situation of sudden cardiac arrest. In Poczta Polska, defibrillators are in shipping sorting plants, and recently also in the largest post offices. The company also trains employees in the field of pre -medical first aid. Knowledge and trained skills facilitate the use of AED without stress and unnecessary in critical situations.

Sudden cardiac arrest (NZK) in Poland is the cause of about 40 thousand. deaths per year. The chance for rescue increases when the correct heart rhythm is restored. The use of a defibrillator within 3 minutes of the cardiac arrest increases the indicator to survive up to 75 percent, and in time 1 minute - to 90 percent. In combination with circulatory -respiratory resuscitation (chest pressure at a frequency of 100-120/min) AED defibrillator is the only way to save life.

AED defibrillator is a fully automated device. It works according to a set algorithm, whose task is to analyze the heart rhythm and runs the user - step by step - through the safe defibrillation procedure. Even a person without education or medical training can help the victim.

In Poczta Polska, AED defibrillators were mounted a few years ago in shipping sorting plants, i.e. in places where hundreds, and sometimes thousands of people work and which are located in locations (suburbs or suburban towns), to which medical services can be extended. Recently, defibrillators are also found in the largest post offices. These are most often located in city centers, through which crowds of residents and tourists appear.

The first AED defibrillators Poczta Polska was installed in sorting plants in Białystok, Bydgoszcz (Lisi Ogon), Ełk, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Kielce, Poznań (Komorniki), Kraków, Koszalin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Ostrowiec Wielkopolski, Pruszcz Gdański, Rzeszów (Rudna Mały), Szczecin, Warsaw, Włocławek, Włocławek, Zabrze and Zielona. Top. Recently, the devices have appeared in post offices: UP Białystok 1, UP Bydgoszcz 1, UP Gdańsk 50, UP Katowice 1, UP Kielce 1, UP Kraków 53, UP Lublin 1, Up Opole 1, UP Poznań 2, UP Rzeszów 2, UP Szczecin 2, Up Toruń 1, UP Warsaw 1, UP Wrocław 32, Up Włocławek 1, UP Łódź 40 and in the new Sortylan (dark Radzymin). Defibrillator - from the initiative of the City Hall in Mońki (Podlasie Voivodeship) - will also appear in a post office located in this town.

Using the defibrillator is very simple, but it is much more likely to use it with more openness people who have passed the pre -medical first aid course using AED. Poczta Polska has been training employees in this area for several years. Last year, at least several dozen open and closed trainings were conducted throughout the country. They were organized, among others during the annual event "Security Week". Training is organized in accordance with the individual demand of individual teams. At any time, their superiors may apply.

Pilotage in two large sorting plants also launched medical points, equipped with equipment necessary to provide first aid to victims.
