Polish Post Office Leader of the Logistics Industry
Poczta Polska took 1st place in the latest ranking of the Republic of Poland TSL 2021. The company records systematic development in service of TSL (transport, forwarding, logistics), implemented for customers using national and international pallet shipments. In addition, in the ranking of the most valuable Polish brands Marek Marek, the post office was classified in the 22nd position - the highest dispute of Polish logistics companies.
The TSL 2021 ranking published today, i.e. on May 28, admits the first place among companies in this industry. The company has long been developing logistics services in addition to traditional postal services and courier services. Last year, these activities were additionally intensified. The company's strategy for 2021-2023 predicts that e-mail revenues from development areas of activity, such as digital services, courier and logistics will grow significantly, and in the perspective of 3 years they will constitute about 70% of all revenues of the Company. At the same time, the meaning of traditional letters will fall.
In the ranking of the most valuable Polish brands Top Marek, the post office was classified in 22nd position - at most the ways of logistics companies - which indicates the leading value of the company in this sector.
– Poczta Polska jest największą firmą infrastrukturalną i logistyczną w kraju o olbrzymim potencjale rozwojowym. The TSL industry is growing dynamically despite the pandemic, and logistics is one of the three strategic growth axes for Poczta Polska, next to digital and courier services. Stawiamy na rozwój usług paletowych krajowych i międzynarodowych – mówi Tomasz Zdzikot, prezes zarządu Poczty Polskiej.
Data after 4 months this year. They indicate the maintenance of the growth dynamics of pallets supported by the post office of several percent compared to last year. Logistic service in the field of pallet shipments is implemented in 16 magazines of Poczta Polska SA, deployed throughout the country, including 3 dedicated only this service. Due to the increase in interest in the pallet service - the company plans to launch another 3 halls.
- We are successfully operating on a very competitive and developing logistics market, we are a certain and trusted partner for many companies and institutions, which we can provide comprehensive transport service, combined with storage and packaging of goods - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the Polish Postal Board.
Pallet shipping has been developed in Poczta Polska for over 10 years. Transport possibilities to other European countries took place 2.5 years ago (November 2018). Currently, postal customers can send pallets to several countries in Europe.
The Polish Post has a network of approx. 7.6 thousand post offices and uses approx. 5,000 various types of vans (including electric cars).