Polish Post Office for the professional activation of people with disabilities

Polish Post Office for the professional activation of people with disabilities

S-1024-XPoczta Polska summarized the second edition of the "Work - Integration" program, implemented in the second quarter of 2021 by the Activation Foundation with the support of the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON). The employment of people with disabilities in the company's structures increased compared to last year and is currently 2.4% of all employees. In total, as part of the first and second edition of "Work - Integration", almost 650 people with a disability certificate were employed in Poczta Polska.   

Poczta Polska is the largest employer in a country who, according to the chosen strategy, systematically implements recruitment programs for people with disabilities, implementing them with a view to limiting barriers and equalizing the opportunities of these professional groups on the labor market. Thanks to its activities, at the end of April 2021, the level of employment of employees with a disability certificate reached 2.4%.

During the second edition of the "Work - Integration" program, running from February 2020 to April 2021, Poczta Polska submitted employment offers for various jobs. In total, almost 650 people with a disability certificate found in both editions of the program in the company - the most as a postman and customer service employee. Poczta Polska is still open to employing people with disabilities. They can apply in recruitment available and announced by the company.

Activities for the professional activation of disabled people indicate that Poczta Polska is a socially responsible company. In 2018, the company implemented the "policy of employing people with disabilities", thus giving a clear signal to the organization that employing people with disabilities is an important element of its personal policy. In 2020, the post office became a laureate of the prestigious "Lodołamacze" competition. In the "Open Labor Market" category, she took first place at the regional level and the second place in the "Open Labor Market" category during the final gala of the competition.

Poczta Polska also continues cooperation with the Polish national team after amputation - AMP Futbol. As part of it, the postal operator not only provides financial support for the football team, but also actively helps the players themselves in their professional career.
