Polish Post Office awarded for managing human capital
Poczta Polska won the highest quality HR certificate for solutions for professional adaptation and was awarded in the HR Dream Team 2019 competition for last year's nationwide Christmas recruitment campaign carried out under the slogan "Get a job!".
Once again, Poczta Polska has been awarded a certificate awarded by the Polish Association of Human Resources Management Companies with the highest human capital management standards. The certificate is granted for HR companies in various areas: employee development, recruitment, motivational system and remuneration, internal communication, social social responsibility (CSR) or building the employer brand (Employer Branding).
The Poczta Polska project awarded this year concerns solutions in the area of professional adaptation. The new adaptation rules are one of the activities aimed at, including: maintaining newly employed employees and providing them with broad support in the first days of employment. What distinguishes our adaptation project from other employers is the use of uniform solutions throughout the company.
As part of the HR Dream Team 2019 competition, 101 projects were submitted from 66 organizations. The Polish Post was in the 10 highest rated companies. Among them were, among others Empik, PwC, Capgemini or Deloitte Poland. Poczta Polska received a distinction in the category "Effective and friendly recruitment of candidates" for last year's nationwide Christmas recruitment campaign carried out under the slogan "Get a job!"
In order to ensure the continuity of logistics processes during the Christmas peak, the assumption of Poczta Polska was an additional employment of over 1,000. people for seasonal work, as well as filling on current vacancies for executive positions. An additional goal of the campaign was the implementation of the Employer Branding activities increasing the awareness of candidates on the Poczta Polska brand as a good employer. Thanks to the wide range of activities, almost 3.7 thousand were employed within 3 months. people.
The awards granted to the Polish Post Office strengthen the image of our company as a good, reliable and reliable employer, and the activities implemented in the scope of awarded projects are confirmed by both Poczta Polska and potential work candidates that the solutions we use in the area of human capital management are professional and effective.