Poczta Polska supports the applications of co -financing for the purchase of TVs and decoders

In connection with the change in the standard of broadcasting digital terrestrial television, Poczta Polska supports applications for co -financing the purchase of a digital receiver. From March 30 this year. Co -financing for the purchase of digital receivers depends on the type of receiver and amounts to PLN 250 in the case of a TV and PLN 100 in the case of a decoder.

The change in the method of broadcasting digital terrestrial television is associated with adapting receivers to new requirements ensuring the standard of terrestrial television in the DVB-T2/HEVC version. This means that users of older TV types must buy a device that allows you to receive a new signal.

Until now, household support in incurring the costs of buying a new device was PLN 100. As we write above, from the end of March it is PLN 100 or PLN 250. This change does not affect the method of submitting applications. A special print code provided by the Polish Post employee is the basis for receiving funding in the amount depending on the type of equipment purchased. Applications can be submitted to all offices and postal branches (without postal agencies).

Important! The codes assigned so far that have not yet been implemented can be used both as a co -financing of PLN 250 to buy a TV or PLN 100 to buy a decoder.

Purchase of receivers is already possible at over 2,600 sales points located all over Poland: https://dvbt2.gov.pl/wyszukarka

In Poland, the transition from the DVB-T standard to DVB-T2/HEVC takes place regionally, in four stages. The first switches began on March 28 in the Dolnośląskie and Lubuskie voivodships. The last switch will take place on June 27.
