Polish Post and the State Archives in Łódź invite you to an exhibition of archival - Easter postcards
Due to the upcoming Easter holidays, the region of the Polish Post Office in Łódź and the State Archives in Łódź prepared the exhibition "Easter Postal Cards". We invite you to the Łódź 1 Post Office at ul. Tuwima 38.
Together with the Łódź State Archives, Poczta Polska prepared an exceptional exhibition of Easter Christmas postcards. Christmas cards are an important element in the Polish Easter tradition. They gained popularity at the end of the 19th century first in Western Europe, and later also in Poland. They were an opportunity to send wishes, greetings, and in a pre -Christmas way to show the memory of loved ones and friends. There were colorful graphics on them and sometimes also photographs, referring to popular Christmas motifs. In addition to wishes expressed through "Happy Hallelujah" or "Merry Christmas" they presented the folk ways of celebrating holidays, images of traditional holiday dishes and animals associated with Easter - chickens, bunnies and lambs. The most -presented motif were Easter Easter eggs and bases, appearing on the trees along with the coming spring.
The exhibition consisted of 46 archival and 9 contemporary postcards. Archival postcards come from a collection of family and family archives: the Potocki and Ostrów archives from Maluszyn as well as private archives and legacy stored in the APŁ resource, including From the archive: Families Bartoszewicz, prof. Emil Stanisław Rappaport, a family of Biedermann, prof. Dr. Tadeusz Hilarowicz and Anatol Gudieniec.
The group of publishers of the presented cards included the Krakow Publishing House of Salon Polish Painters and the Polish Card Publishing House, Warsaw Aristique and FK Ziółkowski Graphic Zakłady, as well as the "Ruch" Publishing Office and the National Publishing Agency.
The authors of the projects were known and valued by Polish painters, graphic designers and photographers: Anna Gramatyka-Ostrowska, Jan Czarnecki, Marta Orłowska-Gabryś, Tadeusz Biliński, Jan Marcin Szlecer and Krystyna Tarkowska.
The exhibition will be presented until April 15, 2022 at the Łódź 1 Post Office at ul. Tuwima 38 in Łódź .