Polish Post Office Partner of the UOKiK Social Campaign

Polish Post Office Partner of the UOKiK Social Campaign

UOKiK campaign "Do you invest? Give yourself time. Check, read, ask! " He warns against false investments , which are authenticated with images of famous people without their knowledge.

We are attacked by advertising promising fast and high profit without risk in currencies, cryptoacts, bills of exchange, shares or bonds. Known and liked faces or companies, unlawfully used, guarantee profit.

Do you see an investment advertising without risk with the image of a well -known person or company? Superocasy? Be careful! It could be a scam! Investing always involves risk. Known and liked can be a false bait. You can lose everything!

One click and profit in a flash! 

Cyber ​​-to -inflicts are not inferior - depending on the trends, they create new ways of extorting financial resources, improve social technical tricks and traps.

Be careful! 

You can lose everything! Online investment frauds are one of the fastest growing types of cyber criminals, generating millions of losses and regarding thousands of victims.
