Polish Post Office for the first time with a stand at the International Defense Industry Salon in Kielce

Polish Post Office for the first time with a stand at the International Defense Industry Salon in Kielce

20210907-DSC_6870Poczta Polska prepared its stand for the first time in history during the International Defense Industry Salon in Kielce (MSPO). The National Operator presents the potential of Poczta Polska Protection (PPO) and philatelic activities.

MSPO is a place of presentation of the largest achievements of the arms industry from around the world. This is not only a comprehensive presentation of military equipment, but also business meetings and contracts concluded between defense sector producers from various continents. The event has been held regularly for 29 years, and for the first time in history the stand was prepared by Poczta Polska.

- For the first time in history, the Polish Post has prepared its stand during the International Defense Industry Salon in Kielce, where we present services provided as part of the Poczta Polska Poczta Protection Division. Poczta Polska is an important element of the national cash money circulation system by providing a financial service consisting in ensuring adequate flow of cash between market participants, as well as transfer of cash in the state-citizen relationship -says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

From 7 to 10 September this year. The company presents the types and possibilities provided as part of the PPO's activities of comprehensive security services. They include cash logistics, physical protection of people and property, as well as technical protection and monitoring. In addition, PPO presents passenger and luggage security services as well as cargo transports in civil air traffic.

- Poczta Poczta Polska Protection is a direct continuator of the tradition of postal proofait formations, created in the post office along with Poland regaining independence in 1918 PPO, apart from the basic activity of the service of Poczta Polska, also offers commercial services - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.

PPO serves over 2,4 thousand external customers, providing services in about 42,000 customer points located throughout the country and over four thousand Poczta Polska outlets. PPO employs approximately 3,000 qualified security guards who use a fleet of 400 vehicles for transporting monetary values ​​and almost 2,200 firearms to conduct this activity.

PPO monitors almost 4.5 thousand postal facilities and nearly 800 commercial facilities. Vertical employees include physical protection of almost 250 postal objects, including 16 with the status of the state's critical infrastructure
