Poczta Polska presents exceptional philatelic publishing houses summarizing the year 2021

Poczta Polska presents exceptional philatelic publishing houses summarizing the year 2021

Event book of stamps 2021On Thursday, June 30 this year, at the company's headquarters in Warsaw, for the first time in history, two flagship Poczta Polska Publishing Publishing House - "Book of postage stamps 2021" and "Book of Postcards 2021" were presented. Among the guests invited to participate in the event, there were representatives of PWPW SA - a company cooperating with the post in issuing emissions, as well as institutions that participated in the process of creating philatelic emissions in 2021.

The solemn presentation was attended by: Tomasz Zdzikot, president of Poczta Polska, Wiesław Włodek, vice president of Poczta Polska and Maciej Biernat, president of the board of the Polish Security Printing Works.

- The book of postage stamps is our flagship publishing house. Poczta Polska summarizes its philatelic activities in this form of unique book, but it was only for the second time that we also published the book of postcards. Today we present both books at the same time. They are the culmination of 2021 in philatelic, which was very successful. We are proud not only of these beautiful books, but also from cooperation with our institutional partners, thanks to which our emissions are created, including developing cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is worth emphasizing that last year was full of international emissions. I would like to thank the Institute of National Remembrance and the Military Historical Office to the Institute of National Remembrance. Thanks to cooperation with these institutions, our historical emissions take on a special value - said Tomasz Zdzikot. - The stamps of Poczta Polska are beautiful and it is not only our subjective feeling, last year our stamp with the Eurasian Ryl was considered the most beautiful in Europe in the Posteurop plebiscite - emphasized the president of Poczta Polska.

In 2021, Poczta Polska issued 52 marriage emissions - 40 occasional and 12 circulation emissions. As part of both broadcasting, the company issued 67 postage stamps - including: 61 independent, 3 in the block and 3 with tags. In addition, 37 emissions of postcards with a printed post fee sign were in circulation, including 42 stamps printed on postcards. In addition to the permanent series such as the "National Day of Remembrance <Cursed Soldiers>", "Europe", "Patrons of Poland", "Polish Cities", "Madonny Kresowe" and "Anders' Army - Trail of Hope" there were also completely new philatelic positions. All philatelic values ​​of the past year can be admired on 117 pages of stamp books and 83 pages of the book of cards, which together create a unique set of philatelic publications of Poczta Polska for 2021.

Both books are very graphically consistent with each other. The differences can be seen only in the volume and format - "KKP 2021" is a bit thinner, but wider than its "marriage" sister.

- For many years, together with Poczta Polska, we publish great books of postage stamps. You always look at the amazing end result, but it is preceded by many hours of work of our artists and experts - PWPW employees and Poczta Polska. I would like to thank them all for their commitment and perseverance in pursuing the goal of satisfaction and smile on the face of lovers of postal stamps - said Maciej Biernat, president of the board of the Polish securities label.

Postal publications most often accompanied the celebration of important anniversaries falling in 2021. The most important of them include stamps commemorating the events related to the anniversaries of establishing diplomatic contacts with numerous countries of Europe and the world, the creation of the Riga Treaty, securities exchange, Silesian Uprising, the Constitution of May 3, the March Constitution, Museum of Post Office and Telecommunications in Wrocław, defense of Poczta Polska in Gdańsk, the Weimars and Totalizator. Among the important anniversaries honored with philatelic values ​​were also the birth of outstanding Poles - Henryk Glass "Lean Wolf", Franciszek Walicki, priest. Franciszek Blachnicki, Tadeusz Różewicz, Henryk Arctowski, Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński and Kornel Morawiecki. Issues important for Polish philatelic were also those devoted to the beatifications of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, mother of Elżbieta Róża Czacka and priest Jan Machy.

Together with three postal operators: Czech, Hungarian and Slovak, we introduced the issue "30. Anniversary of the creation of the Visegrad Group ", with Lithuania and Ukraine we issued the broadcast" 400. Anniversary of the Battle of Khotyn ", and by Croatian mail" treasures of the Earth ". In turn, the broadcast prepared with the mail of Sweden we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Czesław Słani - enjoying the international recognition of the Polish engraving and designer of stamps.

- Poczta Polska, 2021 in philatelic can be considered very successful. He is summarized by two unique books with philatelic values. They show that stamps and postcards have been an important part of our nation's culture for many years. Both books in an attractive and unique way pay attention to the fulfillment of the Mission of Poczta Polska by honoring the most important events, anniversaries, and unique characters. We educate and try to strengthen the sense of national identity, and this can be seen best in the list of all stamps and cards issued last year. I am sure that both our book publications will become a hit among collectors again - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of Poczta Polska.

Poczta Polska with philatelic emissions discussed socially important topics and joined in nationwide campaigns. Examples of such emissions are "Territorial Defense Forces", "Useful Insects" or "#Szczepimysia".

The stamp published as part of the Europe series with threatened extinction Asian Rys - the Bożydara Rozdeva project - was awarded the Gold Medal in the Europa 2021 Association of European PostEurop Postal Agencies and was recognized as the most beautiful stamp in Europe.

Both of these unique publications - in numbered, limited versions can be purchased on the website of the Poczta Polska's
philatelic online store
