Polish Post: A guide to the e-mailbox
From December 10 this year. Public entities and newly registered entrepreneurs are required to use the national electronic service system. The operator appointed to provide the service (Poczta Polska) prepared a comprehensive guide that introduces step by step into the world of digital communication with offices.
The material contained in the guide discusses the use of the inbox in detail, focusing on the processes of sending and receiving shipments and reading evidence. The instructions also include information about the activation of the service box (SD).
Step 1: Activation of e-mails
Establishing the address of electronic service (ADE) is possible after submitting the application for it to be given to the minister appropriate for computerization. GoV.pl website , answering a few simple questions. After creating an account, it is enough to activate the public delivery box (SD), which will allow you to use e-mails in communication with public entities.
After clicking on the Additional Services panel, you can activate the additional service for communication with non-public entities, i.e. Q-dermal. After accepting the regulations, a qualified service box (SDK) is created in real time. From this moment you can freely use the service, i.e. communicate electronically and safely with other owners of electronic service addresses (ADE), which will arrive over time.
Giving ADE by the minister and the electronic address database he manages (BAE) guarantees that we know exactly who we are corresponding to - it is not possible to impersonate another person. Each user, wanting to use the service, must authenticate, i.e. log in with an electronic identification means, e.g. with a trusted profile.
Step 2: SD activation - how easy it is!
The whole process of activating the delivery box has been carefully optimized, which means that, above all, an official can easily go through all its stages. The entire activation path consists of a few simple activities:
- Complete the application for an address for electronic service (ADE)
- for public entities
- The minister competent for computerization (Minister of Digitization) gives ADE
- ADE is entered in the electronic address database (BAE)
- Establishment of a service box (SD)
- MC automatically provides information to Poczta Polska (PP) about the new ADE
- Polish Post Office confirms the creation of the SD
- electronic confirmation about the SD assumption sent to MC
- MC informs the ADE holder
- Information on the creation of ADE and SD and the activation instructions is transferred to the email indicated in the application
- ADE holder activates SD
- The holder indicates an email for notification
- Ready! Broadcast electronically
- ADE holder receives Purde regulations and PURDE policy by email for notification
Step 3: How to send shipments?
First of all, you should authenticate to the service box (SD) for citizens or entrepreneurs , e.g. with a trusted profile/e-dilight/mobile. The panel shows all boxes to which you have access. Depending on the needs, it can be a personal, business or dedicated box to entrepreneurs.
- Choose a inbox from which you want to give an e-mail
- Select "Write a message"
- Select from the list of the addressee
- Enter the topic of the message, write the content of the message, or add an attachment and send a parcel. Shipment will go to the "sent" folder
- After selecting the sent shipment, you can view it and download it with the evidence. Proof of posting shows that our shipment was accepted.
Currently, the maximum size of the message with attachments cannot be greater than 15 MB, and a uniform message can be sent up to 15 recipients.
In the absence of the addressee's authentication for 7 days and 14 days, the addressee receives a reminder of an email waiting for notification. The lack of authentication of the addressee for 14 days causes that evidence is issued - the fiction of delivery . The non -collapsed shipment will be removed after 25 days from the date of its disclosure.
Step 4: How to pick up shipments?
After receiving the notification (to the e-mail address indicated for notification) about the expectation of the parcel, log in to the delivery box at GOV.pl. In the "Received" folder, the new message awaiting reading is visible thanks to the combination. After selecting the message, you can read the content of the message, attachments, as well as download the message with evidence as ZIP for your own local disk.
Step 5: How to read evidence?
The most important elements when reading the evidence are: ID number, type of proof, time of the event. Next, you can see the details of issuing evidence, including Data on the supplier who issued it, as well as data identifying the sender and recipient, time of posting and shipping number.
In the next part there are elements regarding, among others certificates for the time tags used and the electronic seal of the supplier. Issuing evidence in XML format is a requirement for standards, because this format allows you to verify the authenticity of evidence.
The tool for verification is provided by Poczta Polska as a trust service provider in the Additional Services Panel. To verify the evidence, just switch on the XML file and press the Verify button. The system indicates whether the proof is authentic and allows you to download confirmation.
The registered electronic service service, in accordance with the regulations, must provide evidence from individual stages of the service implementation process. The names of the evidence are two -wire - they consist of letters and numbers . Each letter defines a different group of evidence. Depending on the events, appropriate evidence is issued when, what and for whom?
A - granting
B - exchange between suppliers
C - preavitation
D - preparation of the parcel for collection
E - pickup
Poczta Polska also offers Q-dermatures
Poczta Polska also offers the Q-Dorugus , i.e. a qualified service of registered electronic delivery, which is addressed only to non-public entities for communication and exchange of messages (with attachments) among themselves. The sender at the time of sending the parcel determines how many days the recipient has to pick up it (from 1 to 14 days). The recipient may accept or reject a notification about a expectant parcel. Q-detectures complement the PURDE offer, enabling through one service provider access to full shipping of correspondence between entities. The service is available in the services of additional delivery boxes related to PURDE. Remember that the maximum size of the message with attachments under Q-dermal cannot be greater than 10 MB, and a uniform message can be sent to a maximum of 50 recipients.
Both of the above services allow you to send an electronic shipment with an attachment. After sending the parcel, we will receive evidence (sending, implementing, picking up the parcel) indicating that as a trusted third page, Poczta Polska supervises the security of the shipment, using the strict ETSI standards, ensuring the integrity of the parcel and the unambiguous identification of the sender and recipient, the evidence in which there is a qualified time tag of individual events and which are secured by qualified electronic seal service providers.
See also: How to use an additional service for e-mails, i.e. Q-supplies for communication between non-public entities :
Q-Drings-how to activate the service?
How to receive messages at Q-Dores?
Q-Drings-Check how easy it is to send a parcel
Evidence for Q-Drings-how to read it