Poczta Polska develops cooperation with the Chinese Post

Poczta Polska develops cooperation with the Chinese Post

WSPolpraca_PP_Z_Poczta_chinskaPoczta Polska concluded a contract with China Post Group (Chinese Post) for the transport and redistribution service of shipments. This is to ensure the development of postal exchange by rail from China to Europe and a gradual increase in volumes that Poczta Polska will provide to other European countries. The purpose of cooperation is to increase the efficiency of services provided by the Polish operator and to deliver parcels to customers faster. The post office counts on additional revenues from the service of growing volumes of Chinese shipments and an increase in participation in the domestic and international market in the courier sector. The agreement with China Post Group is another step towards the implementation of the new strategy of Poczta Polska for 2021-2023, in which one of the main pillars is intensive development and strengthening of the position on the KEP market (courier, express and parcel shipments).  

Poczta Polska stawia na rynki rozwojowe i partnerstwa strategiczne. One of them is the contract with China Post, which we strengthen our relations with an important entity on the Asian market. It is also another step to confirming our position as one of the logistics leaders in this part of Europe. Wierzymy, że dzięki atrakcyjnej ofercie oraz wieloletniej, dobrej współpracy z Pocztą Chińską, możliwe będzie dalsze rozbudowywanie silnej pozycji Poczty Polskiej i lepsze, czyli przede wszystkim sprawniejsze i szybsze świadczenie usług dla klientów – mówi Tomasz Zdzikot, prezes zarządu Poczty Polskiej.

Thanks to the contract, the parties plan to further develop a postal exchange by rail from China to Europe and a gradual increase in volumes that Poczta Polska will redistribute to other European countries. The development of cooperation between postal operators will provide customers ordering goods on Asian platforms, effective transport and greater efficiency of their supply. The company is counting on additional revenues from the service of growing volumes of shipments reaching China and shipments implemented by the Chinese operator. China is currently the largest trading partner of the European Union, and therefore these volumes constitute a majority of all shipments coming to Poland and through Poland from outside the European Union.

Rynek przesyłek KEP rozwija się intensywnie, wraz z handlem transgranicznym i wzrostem przesyłek realizowanych na rzecz obsługi międzynarodowego e-commerce. Czynniki te stanowią potencjał do wzrostu przychodów Poczty, liczymy zatem, że poszerzanie naszej współpracy z narodowym operatorem chińskim zaowocuje wymiernymi korzyściami dla obu stron – mówi Wiesław Włodek, wiceprezes zarządu Poczty Polskiej.

It is worth emphasizing that the company is preparing for the implementation of the so -called "VAT for e-commerce", which will enter into force on July 1, 2021. Poczta Polska will take over the process of submitting electronic import customs reports, thus becoming a "tax gate" between the EU and countries located outside its borders, mainly China.
