Polish Post Office Participant in the Polish product campaign

Polish Post Office Participant in the Polish product campaign

product_polskiRepresentatives of the management of the National Agricultural Support Center and companies supervised by the Ministry of State Asset on July 17 this year. They signed a letter of intent regarding joint actions aimed at increasing public awareness in the search and selection of food products produced in Poland using Polish raw materials and a Polish product marked with a trademark.

A letter of intent, in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski and the Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Asset by Janusz Kowalski, signed representatives of the boards of Poczta Polska, Polish State Railways, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowych SA, PKP Intercity, Wars SA, PKS Polonus Warsaw and KOWR.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, together with the National Agricultural Support Center, conducts the #Kupujście #Prodktpolski promoting consumer patriotism, during which special emphasis is located on increasing the recognition of the Polish product sign. Placing this marking on products is a clear message for consumers and confirmation that these products have been made from raw materials made 100% in Poland (in the case of unprocessed products). In contrast, processed products must contain min. 75% of raw materials from Poland, and max. 25% can be imported ingredients. An information campaign #Kupujście #Productpolski, conducted in the media, thanks to cooperation with companies in the resources of the Ministry of State Asset, will cover in particular travelers and people visiting postal facilities.

- Poczta Polska in its over four hundred sixty -year history has often expressed to its patriotic spirit, playing a significant role during wars and other historical storms. Today, in the era of peace, as the National Postal Operator, we adopt economic patriotism as a fundamental issue for strengthening the pillars of the state. An example of this attitude is, for example, cooperation with numerous native enterprises. Since 2016, we have been conducting a sales policy, in which a strong accent is laid on the availability of over 4,600 own Poczta Polska outlets on the network of increasingly richer offer of commercial goods provided by Polish producers. An example would be cooperation with the Polish Candy Factory of Pszczółka, whose products are one of the best -selling among all goods available in our facilities. The rich range of books, addressed to both young and older, is available thanks to cooperation with Polish publications. In many cities, Poczta Polska is the only place where you can buy books. We especially care about the presence of national commercial articles in each assortment group. We also make efforts to establish cooperation with subsequent Polish entities operating on our market. #Kupujściego #produktpolski is an action that is part of the profile of our activity - emphasized Grzegorz Kurdziel, Vice President of Poczta Polska for sales.
