Poczta Polska commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Warsaw Battle

Poczta Polska commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Warsaw Battle

Bitwawarsz_Komisja_05-05-20_wwwOn August 13, at the headquarters of Poczta Polska in Warsaw, a ceremonial presentation of emission stamps "100. Anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw "and a prepared exhibition with the participation of Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense and Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the Post Office.

From today, in post office in Warsaw, Wrocław, Gorzów Wielkopolski and Katowice, you will also be able to watch an exhibition dedicated to postcards, taking part in the fight against the Bolshevik invader. In August we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw-one of the most important events in the history of our country and Europe.

- The Warsaw Battle of 1920 is undoubtedly one of the most important military skirmishes in the history of Europe. One hundred years ago, the troops commanded by the commander -in -chief Józef Piłsudski conducted the famous maneuver, which allowed the Polish -Lithuanian Commonwealth to maintain the previously regained independence. It is also impossible to ignore the fact that thanks to the efforts of the Polish army managed to stop the invasion of Bolshevism to the entire area of ​​the Old Continent. The result of the battle of August 1920 changed the course of history and withdrew the tips of the Marxist clock. It is worth recalling the words of an outstanding soldier, general of the French armed forces Louis Augustin Joseph Faury, who in his article from 1928 in this way summed up the events of 100 years ago: "Over two hundred years ago, Poland under the walls of Vienna saved the Christian world from the danger of Turkish. On the Vistula and over the Nemunas, this nation gave the world a civilized service again, which was not evaluated enough. " The Warsaw Battle is a testimony of the Polish weapon's triumph and the great victory of the Polish nation - says Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense.

The author of postage stamps, Roch Stefaniak, presented on them a picture of Jerzy Kossak "Miracle on the Vistula" from 1930 from the collection of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. He also used the individual staff of this work on the stamps. On the value of the block, with a denomination of PLN 6.60, there is the figure of priest Ignacy Skorupka. On the other stamps, with a denomination of PLN 3.30, a soldier was presented with a bayonet, a Russian banner, a girl from the Volunteer Women's League, a horse generation with Józef Piłsudski and God's Mother of Grace - the patron of Warsaw. In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, the FDC envelope, i.e. an envelope on the first day of circulation. It shows the poem by Edward Słoński from 1920 entitled Battle for Warsaw .

- Poczta Polska is the largest infrastructure company in a country that performs the tasks entrusted to it every day. Post office is also one of the symbols of statehood and a carrier of the most important principles and values. Thanks to its philatelic activities, our company has the opportunity to remind you of the most important events in the history of the Commonwealth and their heroes. In August 1920, the Polish Army won in the Battle of Warsaw - thus protecting Europe from the threat that was threatened not only to Poland, but to the entire civilized world from the Bolshevik Russia. Were it not for this triumph, the independence, torn out of the partitioners, being the pursuit of generations of Poles, would find its end - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska. - By introducing a stamp commemorating the Warsaw Battle, we pay tribute to all those who could exist - outstanding commanders, brave officers and adamant soldiers. The arrest of the Bolshevik march has been mentioned in a low voice for years. I am very hopeful that the postal value honoring the heroes of those days will clearly contribute to the honor of this year's celebrations - adds Tomasz Zdzikot.

- This is a very valuable initiative of Poczta Polska and President Tomasz Zdzikot to publish stamps commemorating Victoria and showing the glory of the Polish weapons. Thank you very much for commemorating this great victory. It is important that materials about the Battle of Warsaw appear on postal stamps. Thanks to this, knowledge about this great victory can be more common - emphasizes Mariusz Błaszczak.

The post office also created an exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Warsaw and the postcards participating in it.

- This exhibition is already going on the road and will be available throughout the country. We also conducted a query among our employees. We asked them to search the family archives, to remind family stories related to this event and share them with all of us, with our clients, with Poles - adds Tomasz Zdzikot.

The materials used in the production of individual boards were obtained, among others from the collections of the National Digital Archives and the Faculty of Archives of Poczta Polska. The presented collections included such unique documents, such as nearly a hundred years of personal files of employees from post and telegraphs. The exhibition will be presented in 9 Polish cities. From August 13 to September 13 this year. in Warsaw, Wrocław, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Katowice, and in the period from September 18 to October 18 this year. in Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Łódź, Toruń and Lublin.

Recently, the company has also introduced a stamp dedicated to Colonel Jan Kowalewski, an outstanding cryptologist who significantly contributed to the triumph of the Commonwealth in the war with the Bolsheviks.

General Brig. dr. Józef Guzdek, field bishop of the Polish Army, prof. dr. hab. Wiesław Wysocki, head of the Department of History of the 19th and 20th centuries at the Institute of History at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, who was a substantive consultant of philatelic emissions, dr hab. Sławomir Cencikiewicz, director of the Military Historical Bureau, which at the ceremony presented unique documents regarding the activities of Lt. Col. Jan Kowalewski, as well as Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the post office responsible for philatelic.

This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased at postal facilities and the online store: www.filatelistyka.poczta-polska.pl .
