Poczta Polska obtained a positive result of the Q-Drings audit

Poczta Polska obtained a positive result of the Q-Drings auditPoczta Polska maintains the status of a qualified trust service provider in the field of Q-Drum. The company successfully underwent audit of the registered electronic delivery, which, according to EIDAS requirements, should be carried out at least once every two years. The audit result confirms the high level of compliance and quality of the digital service of Poczta Polska.

Q-derivatives have extended exemplary audit of the evaluation of compliance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 910/2014 of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services in relation to electronic transactions on the internal market (EIDAS) and related standards:

  • ETSI EN 319 401 - applies to electronic signatures and infrastructure, as well as general policy requirements for trust service providers;
  • ETSI EN 319 521 - applies to security policy and requirements for providers of registered electronic service service.

During the three -day process, preceded by an accurate audit of internal documentation, the Department of Service Systems Management Department of the Digital Transformation Center stood up to the challenge. He answered a number of questions of the auditor leading from the Slovak company Qscert and presented evidence of the RDE system management in accordance with the general European regulations.

Importantly, a special report, confirming the compliance of the service of the service with the requirements of EIDAS, was sent to the supervisory authority of qualified service providers, which the Ministry of Digitization is in Poland.

The obtained audit results prove that Poczta Polska not only maintains its status of a qualified trust service provider, but also constantly raises the bar for quality and compliance in the Q-Dormitory area.

- Poczta Polska is gradually expanding the digital product portfolio, adapting to the latest trends in the field of new technologies. The consequence of our innovative approach are, among others Q-Drings. The pioneering e-mail e-service is a response to the needs of customers, facilitating their daily communication with non-public entities without having to leave the house. The positive result of the audit of the registered electronic delivery that we received, confirms that our digital product meets the highest European standards and the most excessive requirements in the field of quality and security - emphasizes Wojciech Krysztofik, vice president of Poczta Polska.

What is the Q-Dortification of Poczta Polska?

Q-detectures are a qualified service of registered electronic delivery, which, like e-arranges, is a trust service. Both services enable electronic correspondence identical to the registered letter, guarantee exact time of posting and receiving thanks to the qualified time tag and ensure verification of the recipient's identity by authenticating the electronic identification means, i.e., e.g. trusted profile, e-proxle or by the mobstor application. E-arranges provide communication with public entities, while Q-Dorements as an additional service communication with non-public entities, i.e. natural persons and companies.

Poczta Polska, as a supplier of a qualified service of registered electronic delivery Q-dermation, is entered in the register of trust service providers (qualified services), has received a certificate of trust service provider in the scope of providing a qualified registered electronic delivery service.

A few words about e-measures

The development of this service leads to a gradual cessation of sending paper registered letters between administration and citizens/companies. Thanks to e-demonstrations, citizens and companies can send and receive electronic documents from any place with internet access. Instead of personal visits to the post office, physical receiving and sending of registered letters and archiving paper correspondence, today you can comfortably do it in electronic form.

E-arranges are access to all matters in one place. Thanks to the unique addresses for electronic service (ADE), granted at the request by the minister competent for computerization, we are sure that we are corresponding to a given person/institution. In addition, e-mails allow you to verify the statuses of their correspondence through evidence issued in real time, at every stage of the process (such as the date of posting and delivery confirmed by a qualified time marker).
