The Polish Post in cooperation with MRIT issued a badge on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Poland's presence in OECD

The Polish Post in cooperation with MRIT issued a badge on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Poland's presence in OECD

EocdThis year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Polish membership in OECD. On this occasion, the Ministry of Development and Technology took the initiative of the Polish Post Office "25 years of Poland in OECD". His official presentation was attended by MRIT deputy head Grzegorz Piechowiak and Tomasz Zdzikot, president of Poczta Polska and Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the company.

- The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development has been set by regulation and economic law in the world for 60 years. It was also the first grouping of the Western world to which our country was invited and adopted after the political changes in 1989. A quarter of a century, cooperation brought many benefits to the Polish economy and society. On this occasion, among the numerous promotional and information activities, we also issued an occasional stamp -said Deputy Minister of Development and Technology Grzegorz Piechowiak.

- When, 25 years ago, Poland on equal rights began to organize economic cooperation and development - OECD - de facto returned to the group of Western countries. Our path to NATO structures and the European Union began with this event. We celebrated the jubilee of that event with a stamp symbolizing the joint pursuit of OECD members to the highest level of economic growth and the living rate of citizens, in accordance with the main goal of this organization - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

The philatelic emission of the "25 years of Poland in OECD" is part of the promotional and information activities related to the jubilee celebrations of our activity in the organization of economic cooperation and development.

The author of the project, Jan Konarzewski, presented the logo of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the background of the value there are arrows in different colors. In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, the FDC envelope, i.e. an envelope on the first day of circulation. It presents symbolic graphics referring to 25 years of our country's presence in OECD.

Poland became a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on November 22, 1996 as the first grouping of the Western world of an integration nature, to which our country was invited and adopted after the introduction of pro -democratic political changes. Currently, 37 countries belong to OECD. Since June 2021, her boss is Australian Mathias Cormann.

About the stamp:

Project author: Jan Konarzewski
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.30 PLN
Edition: 140,000 Pcs.
Printing technique: Rotograwiura
Break format: 40.5 x 54 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 35 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: October 16, 2021.

This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased from postal outlets and the online store
