Poczta Polska introduced into circulation an occasional stamp of the emission "Lech Kaczyński - president of the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw (2002–2005) "
November 18 this year A new, occasional emission stamp of the "Lech Kaczyński - president of the Capital City of Warsaw was presented at the Warsaw Uprising Museum. Warsaw (2002–2005) ". On this day, 20 years ago, the later head of state was sworn in as president of the capital. Lech Kaczyński was the first steward of the city chosen directly by the residents.
The three -year presidency of Lech Kaczyński contributed to the increase in the importance of the capital both in the country and abroad. One of the most important initiatives taken by the President of the Capital City of 2002. Warsaw was the construction of the Warsaw Uprising Museum. This is an extremely important place of memory not only popularizes historical knowledge, but also strengthens the attachment of Warsaw residents to the city that our ancestors fought so victibly. The Warsaw Uprising Museum has been one of the most visited cultural institutions in Poland for 15 years. Numerous exhibitions, concerts, films and publishers popularized the topic of the August uprising - among the next generations of Poles, being a form of tribute to participants of the fight for the freedom of the capital.
The solemn presentation of the latest stamp was attended by, among others Jan Kanthak, Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Asset, Dariusz Figura, chairman of the PiS councilors club in the Council of Warsaw, Jan Ołdakowski - director of the Warsaw Uprising Museum, Krzysztof Falkowski - President of the Board of Poczta Polska SA, Andrzej Bodziony - Vice President of the Board of Poczta Polska, Wojciech Krysztofik - Vice President of the Poczta Board, Wiesław Włodek - Vice President of the Postal Board.
President of Law and Justice Jarosław Kaczyński about Lech Kaczyński as the President of Warsaw: - Work for Warsaw was a great and difficult challenge but she brought my late Brother a lot of joy and satisfaction. By candidate for president of the capital, he promised: "Warsaw, like the whole country, requires a thorough reconstruction and repair. Many pathologies have accumulated in the capital. We see them in offices, health care, education, culture, on the street ... The inhabitants of our city are coming to various obstacles that make it difficult to make everyday life. I want to change it and I know how to do it. " And he actually took such actions that brought results. It was a breakthrough in every respect. In three years, my late Brother healed the situation in the city, introduced new standards, gave Warsaw to Warsaw residents.
- During his presidency in Warsaw, the late Professor Lech Kaczyński devoted all the efforts to regain the status of the capital of a strong European state. Therefore, he initiated the construction of the Warsaw Uprising Museum. The president wanted to show Warsaw as a city with a unique history, which was created by generations of the heroic sons of our nation, but also emphasize that it is the capital of the future - ensuring development, security and prosperity of its inhabitants. He carried out this task with great determination, perceiving the office of the President of Warsaw as a service to the nation and Poland - noted the Vice President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of State Asset, Jacek Sasin.
- Today we celebrate the anniversary when Lech Kaczyński became the president of Warsaw. He decided not to be only the administrator of the capital, but to change it. Winning the election, President Lech Kaczyński had a vision, focused on security, an increase in expenditure on culture and education. We, as the rulers, are currently continuing to implement this vision throughout the country - said Jan Kanthak, Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Asset - remember that for Lech Kaczyński Poland was always in the first place - emphasized the minister.
On a stamp, published in the form of a block, the author of the project - Andrzej Gosik, presented the image of the president of the capital Lech Kaczyński, and on the setting - the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Poczta Polska, along with the philatelic value, also introduced the FDC envelope (on the first day of circulation). It showed the symbol and coat of arms of Warsaw, i.e. the Syrenka monument. This graphics are accompanied by the words: "Courage and credibility - Warsaw is waiting for changes", which is the slogan of Lech Kaczyński in the election campaign in 2002.
- The place where we present our stamp is not accidental. Thanks to the determination and consistency of Lech Kaczyński, after decades of falsification and discrediting our history, after years of imposibilism, it was during his term that he managed to pay tribute to the heroes, who in 1944 transferred blood for the free capital. The President's merits for Warsaw, to strengthen the identity of the inhabitants and the development of the city, are indisputable. Our stamp is a form of tribute to the achievements of Lech Kaczyński - a patriot, statesman and Warsaw, who gave his heart to his hometown - emphasized Krzysztof Falkowski, president of the board of Poczta Polska.
The philatelic activity of Poczta Polska contributes to the promotion of Polish history, promoting patriotism and building a sense of community among Poles. The company, through its stamps, reminds of the most important figures and events in the history of the country, which is not only an educational value, but also creates patterns, proper behavior and attitudes. This year, Poczta Polska commemorated, among others Jan Olszewski, the first prime minister of the non -communist Polish government after World War II or Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Uprising in the Warsaw ghetto.
About the stamp:
Author of the Stamp's project: Andrzej Gosik
Number of stamps: 1 In the block
Value: 8 PLN
Circulation: 90,000 Pcs.
Printing technique: offset
format stamp: 31.25 x 43 mm
block format: 70 x 90 mm
paper: Fluorescent
date of introduction into circulation: November 18, 2022.