Poczta Polska supports Covid-19 vaccinations
As announced by the government, mass vaccinations against Covid-19 should start from mid-January. Poczta Polska encourages its employees to voluntary vaccinations, promoting reliable information on vaccines.
Vaccination against Covid-19 is the only effective method that will allow you to quickly return to normality. Carried out on a large scale, they will also allow postcards to safely perform their duties. They will also guarantee safe use of the services of Poczta Polska.
Return to normality also means: further development of the economy, protection of jobs and a chance for new employment and a departure from masks to improve the quality of life of all of us. We all miss that it happens as soon as possible.
With high probability-reaching up to 95%-vaccination protects against Covid-19 infection and interrupts a chain of infection. It is known that already 50% of the vaccinated population will significantly reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading in it. Each vaccinated is potentially from a few to a dozen or so people protected from infection.
We encourage everyone - not only employees and clients of Poczta Polska on proven sources of information. The latest reports, messages and tips, answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as the assumptions of the national vaccination program can be found at gov.pl/szczepimysie .
Obtaining information on vaccinations against Covid-19-in Polish, English, Ukrainian and Russian-it is also possible through a free and 24-hour hotline. Useful information and answers to questions can be obtained by calling 989 or +48 22 62 62 989 (for calling from abroad and operators who do not use special numbers).