Polish Post Office among the most ecological companies in Poland
The activities of Poczta Polska, regarding the introduction of electric vehicles into the company's motor fleet, were appreciated by the Fokus magazine. In the ranking of the most ecological companies in Poland, Poczta Polska took 8th place.
The ranking was based on the "analysis of pro -ecological solutions of the largest Polish enterprises" prepared by Sotrender. Analyzing the pro -ecological activities of the surveyed companies, Fokus magazine entrusted experts. They were representatives of companies, non-governmental organizations or scientific institutions who deal with PR or CSR on a daily basis, and at the same time specialize in environmental protection. They looked for answers to questions related to, among others with the coincidence of the company's activities with the industry in which they operate and the actual translation of pro -ecological activity into the improvement and protection of the natural environment and reduction of damage caused to it. The ranking evaluated pro -ecological activities run by 100 largest companies on the Polish market.
Poczta Polska was appreciated for the project implemented in cooperation with Energa regarding the introduction of electric cars. Energa is to help the post office to provide infrastructure for electric cars together with devices necessary for their charging and the management system. Since 2018, the company has been conducting the largest tests of electric cars in Poland available on the domestic market. In April last year, cars of seven producer brands, up to 800 kg, took part in them. At the same time, in addition to cars, various types of charging station were also tested. In mid -May this year. Further tests of electric cars up to 3.5 tons have ended. Eight car cars available on the Polish market took part in them. Recently, postalists tested tractors powered by liquefied LNG gas, and employees of Poczta Polska from mid -November this year. They will deliver parcels with the help of E-NV200 Nissans, which will be provided by Arval Service Lease Polska in the long-term rental service. The post office currently has the largest fleet of utility electric cars in Poland.
Last year, Poczta Polska also mentioned the lighting inside the largest shipping sorting plants , installed new external lighting and lighting in other buildings located in the sorting plant. Modern solutions have been used in expeditionary and dispersion nodes: Lisi Ogon, Pruszcz Gdański, Komorniki, Warsaw and Wrocław.
Poczta Polska estimates that thanks to modern solutions, it will save an additional PLN 2 million per year, and CO2 emissions will decrease by over 4.3 thousand. tons per year. There are plans to further modernize the lighting in subsequent postal facilities, mainly those that use the most energy.