Poczta Polska has already spent PLN 57 million on the safety of its employees
Expenses of Poczta Polska for funds to increase the safety of postalists during a pandemic increased to PLN 57 million. The company has introduced a number of solutions that are aimed at reducing the risk of infection with postcard coronavirus and postal clients.
Despite the restrictions related to the state of the epidemic, Poczta Polska provides services throughout the country. There are about 7.5 thousand at customers' disposal. institutions located in all municipalities. From the first days of March this year. The company has taken a number of actions aimed at providing employees with the necessary protection measures. So far, among others: 407 thousand Gels for disinfecting hands in hand -held containers with a capacity of 30 ml or 100 ml, nearly 145,000 liters of gels and liquids for disinfecting hands and surfaces, over 3.1 million pairs of disposable gloves, over 957,000 disposable masks and multiple use masks. Postmen, employees of postal facilities and security staff also received nearly 33,000 plastic horses.
For the sake of safety in post offices, Plexes separating employees from clients have been installed. In addition, security zones have been separated, which determine the distance that should be kept between the employee and the client.
Purchases of protection measures are successively implemented, ultimately all the postmen will be equipped with fingernails, which will be an additional, oversized protection in addition to the currently used and required masks. Disinfection liquids and disposable gloves are bought on an ongoing basis.