Polish Post Office with an attractive range of products in institutions and esclep
Bestseller books, Christmas packaging products as well as masks and disinfectants. Poczta Polska extends the commercial offer in its facilities and in the online store as expected by customers.
Personal protection measures can be bought at post offices, as well as online without having to leave the house in the Esklep Poczta Polska . The offer includes reusable masks that were made of Medico fabric, which gives you comfort of use, while creating insulation before external factors. Masks can be washed at 95 degrees Celsius. Liquid and disinfecting gels are very popular among customers.
In addition to products particularly useful during the Pandemic period, Poczta Polska has in its assortment a number of materials necessary to prepare shipments, including those that Poles are already starting to prepare for Christmas, i.e. Cartons, bubble envelopes, adhesive tapes. From October 16 to the end of the month you can take advantage of a special promotion for plastic envelopes ( https://esklep.poczta-polska.pl/kategoria/foliopaki-2 ). Due to the upcoming Christmas period and the packet peak, the Esklep records very large sales of these products.
Books are widely popular with our clients, among them bestsellers: "Dyrdy of the brand" by Marek Niedźwiecki; "Return from Bambuko" by Katarzyna Nosowska; "Silver Wings" by Camilla Lackberg; "Kryjówka" by Roberts and "Get behind me, honey" Krystyna Mirek. The guides also sell well: "homemade silage that heals"; "The pharmacy of nature has drugs for viruses"; "How to strengthen immunity"; "Vegetables that heal." Coloring pages and books developing cognitive skills in children who are in a very attractive price offer are also eagerly chosen.
In the near future, publishing items dedicated to Christmas, ie "fulfilled wish" by Ada Tulińska, "Christmas misunderstanding" by Katarzyna Bester, "Art of giving gifts" by Anna Szczęsna and "Heart in an envelope" by Małgorzata Falkowski,
In addition, in the last months of the year a wide range of coloring pages, cutouts and creative sets for the youngest with a Christmas motif, carols in the edition for children and a wide range of books for children in hard frames, perfectly fitting in the catalog of gifts.
Poczta Polska's revenues from commercial activities have been systematically growing for several years. This is in line with the company's strategy, which assumes that in the face of falling revenues related to the provision of traditional postal services, the company will use the opportunity in the intensive development of retail trade, which improves the profitability of a stationary network of facilities. In total, the company already has about 7,600 branches throughout the country, and counting with partnership points - it creates the largest network in Poland with about 13,000 points.