Polish Post Office with the highest quality HR certificate
Once again, Poczta Polska has been awarded a certificate awarded by the Polish Association of Human Resources Management, companies with the highest standards in the area of human capital.
The certificate is rewarded with HR activities of companies in various areas: employee development, recruitment, motivational system and remuneration, internal communication, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or building the employer brand (Employer Branding).
Poczta Polska is a reliable and reliable employer using solutions in the area of human capital management at the highest level, which is once again confirmed by the certificate obtained. The awarding of the highest quality HR Award strengthens the image of mail among employees and potential job candidates.
HR distinction of the highest quality for 2020 was received by the largest employer for his own development project - the Recruitment Academy and Employer Branding. The post office conducts several thousand recruitments a year, both internal and external. Recruiters are required to carry them out not only reliably, efficiently and professionally, but also in accordance with the company's internal policy and the adopted competence model. Effectiveness is also important, because only in a Christmas peak is employed in a short time about 2,000. additional employees.
The Academy is a fully original project, prepared and conducted entirely by internal mail coaches who are experienced practices in the area of HR. The program consists of 8 trainings, a total of 16 training days, covering issues telling the needs of project participants. Specially prepared teaching materials are support for recruiters after the training, in their daily work.
The academy was created for people who professionally recruit, and especially start work in the area of HR, returning to work after a break related to parenthood, but also experienced recruiters who want to refresh and update their knowledge about new trends, including Employer Branding. Training under AR is spread over time so that participants between individual modules have time to implement new skills in their daily work.
So far, 80 recruiters have been trained in two editions of the Academy who, as graduates, conduct recruitment campaigns and participate in centrally organized projects. The next edition of the Academy will take place in the e-learning formula.