Polish Post Office with the next HR certificate of the highest quality

https://d2xhqqdaxyu6.cloudfront.net/file/teaser-ci/827031/-13695142/1190-670.Polish Post, the eleventh time in a row, obtained the highest quality HR certificate. The award is awarded to companies that use and promote high standards of human resource management and set trends in this area.

The HP certificate of the highest quality are the bonus and activities of companies related to employee development, recruitment, motivational system and remuneration, internal communication, social social responsibility or building the employer brand (Employer Branding). Awarded employers are organizations that set trends and promote high standards of human resource management in Poland.

This year, Poczta Polska was awarded for creating a development program for employees of postal facilities entitled "Replace knowledge about points and win prizes" in which the innovative Blended Learning method was used. This method of teaching D Merges forms of education to the needs of the organization and preferences of participants, combines traditional (stationary) training with independent remote activity (e-learning training), Q&A sessions (questions and answers), discussion forums (exchange of experiences) and interviews with employees-experts in the field of customer service. It is based on the diversity of knowledge transmission, e.g. theories, exercises, quizzes, instructional films presenting the implementation of "step by step" services.

The program enjoyed great interest among the company's employees. Micro Learnings helped them acquire and update knowledge of postal services and acquire skills in conducting talks with clients in an interesting form. Participation in stationary training, thanks to building confidence and an increase in stress resistance, has allowed to increase customer service efficiency in difficult situations.

The highest quality HR certificate is confirming that our company is an employer who implements HR activities appreciated by the market. The award of the prize strengthens the image of Poczta Polska as a good employer among employees and potential job candidates. 
