Poczta Polska invites you to an exhibition of Christmas postcards in Łódź
In connection with the upcoming Christmas, the region of the Polish Post Office in Łódź and the State Archives in Łódź prepared a "exhibition of Christmas postcards". We invite you to the Post Office at ul. Kościuszki 5/7.
The exhibition consisted of 38 archival and 17 contemporary postcards. Archival postcards come from private collections and legacy stored in the State Archives in Łódź, including from the archive of the Bartoszewicz family, the archives of Professor Emil Stanisław Rappaport, the archive of Eugeniusz Ajnenkiel or the archive of Anatol Gupińiec.
- Together with the Łódź State Archives, we have prepared a unique exhibition of Christmas postcards. Christmas cards are an important element in the Polish Christmas tradition. Thanks to them, we can give loved ones with unforgettable wishes. Poczta Polska therefore encourages to send Christmas cards. A paper card with wishes is not only an expression of memory about those who cannot be wished in person, but also a great souvenir and Christmas decoration - emphasizes Lucyna Prygiel - Augustyniak, director of the network region in Łódź.
The overwhelming majority of postcards were produced during the Polish People's Republic, in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. The oldest presented postcard is dated 1909 - it was sent from Zakopane to Krakow.
The publishers of the cards were the "Ruch" Publishing Office, Cooperative Publishing Institute "Country" in Warsaw, Cooperative of the Pracy of Photographers Katowice, Ars Christiana, Trade Headquarters of the Paper Industry Łódź and the National Publishing Agency.
The authors of the graphic design of postcards were known and valued by Polish illustrators, plastics and photographers, such as: Jan Marcin Szlecer, Maria Orłowska-Gabryś, Eugeniusz Stec, Maria Mackiewicz, Roman Orszulski, Jerzy Wendołowski.
- The upcoming Christmas time inspired us as the State Archives in Łódź to present to the inhabitants of Łódź and the region, in cooperation with Poczta Polska, the region of the network in Łódź, a collection of Christmas cards. You can look with sentiment to see what the wishes looked like before the digital world appeared in our lives - says Bartosz Górecki, director of the State Archives in Łódź.
The exhibition will be presented until January 10, 2022 at the Łódź 4 Post Office at ul. Kościuszki 5/7 in Łódź.