Poczta Polska presented the new stamp "Saint Archangel Gabriel - patron of postal and philatelists"

Poczta Polska presented the new stamp "Saint Archangel Gabriel - patron of postal and philatelists"

On October 14 this year, on the occasion of the annual celebration of the Communications Day in Katowice, a new Poczta Poczta Stamp "Saint Archangel Gabriel - patron of postal and philatelists" was presented.

On the new Roch Stefaniak stamp, the author of the project, he presented the figure of Saint Archangel Gabriel. The basis for creating the value was the image located on the banner of Poczta Polska, whose author is Franciscan Father Tomasz Jank - guardian of the monastery and rector of the church of St. Of the Trinity in Gdańsk.

Postal emission is issued in connection with December 9 - 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope Paul VI, Archangel Gabriel, the patron of social communication, post and philatelists. He did this at the request of the Austrian philatelists in 1972, publishing the Apostolic "Quandoquidem Mortalium Vita". This connection results from the role and way of presenting Saint. Gabriela in the iconographic tradition, as a winged figure that goes down from heaven to give people messages from God. The applicant of the issue of the issue was the National Club of Postal College Collects on religious themes "Saint Gabriel".

The image of the archangel is accompanied by attributes: a scepter (symbol of power given to him by God); lily (room) and olive twig or palm twig. In iconography, a trumpet, harp or scroll (symbol of knowledge and wisdom) are also sometimes included. 

Religious motives are a common subject of postage stamps, but the current broadcast of Poczta Polska is unique. It presents one of the most popular angels, which is associated with such serious matters as the resurrection, heralding, mercy, punishment, death and revelation. The name Gabriel means: "God is my strength", "God's husband", "God's warrior". He is one of the highest -ranking angels, according to Christian tradition, it was included in the group of three archangels of a special importance.

At the end of October, the post office will introduce special folders-with Nowodruk and Non-Preser's sheet, which will be available at selected Poczta Polska and www.filatelistyka.poczta-polska.pl

About the stamp:

Project author: Roch Stefaniak
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.90 PLN
Edition: 128,000 Pcs.
Printing technique: offset
format stamp: 45 x 45 mm, including a wheel with a diameter of 40 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 8 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: October 18, 2022.
