Poczta Polska presented a stamp on the 100th anniversary of maritime military education

Poczta Polska presented a stamp on the 100th anniversary of maritime military education

Poczta Polska introduced into circulation a postage stamp dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the higher military maritime education. The solemn presentation of this exceptional philatelic value took place on October 21 this year. in Gdynia at the Naval Academy Heroes Westerplatte. 

Young officers appeared on the new Poczta Polska stamp against the background of the Naval Academy building Heroes Westerplatte in Gdynia. In addition to the philatelic value, the FDC envelope (on the first day of circulation) was also in circulation. The graphics visible on it integrated a photograph of sabers. 

Krzysztof Falkowski, president of Poczta Polska took part in the celebration on the occasion of the 100th anniversary. The new philatelic value is another joint project implemented by Poczta Polska with the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The company's cooperation with the university has been going on for several years and is a consequence of, among others agreements that both entities concluded with them in 2020. The agreement concerned, among others cooperation in improving the Poczta Poczta Poczta and joint preparation and conduct of projects that include the mission and needs of both institutions. 

- Poczta Polska intensively develops the area of ​​digital services, and also implements modern solutions supporting cybersecurity, we cooperate in this field with the Academy. I am all the more pleased that we could honor the 100th anniversary of the Higher Military Maritime Education, which is cultivated by this excellent university and is their glorious part. The Naval Academy is not only a military university, it is also a thriving center of education in the digital area - so important in the current world. Poczta Polska identifies with all activities that serve to disseminate knowledge about cyber security, which is why, together with AMW, it launched MBA postgraduate studies - says Krzysztof Falkowski, president of Poczta Polska.

The Navy Academy is a university that educates cadets, officers and civilians in directions related to navigation, sea mechanics and defense. In the walls of AMW, students and students acquire knowledge, practical skills and can use various types of simulators or laboratories. Military students can study in five fields: navigation, mechanics and machine construction, mechatronics, computer science and safety information systems. In turn, civilians have a choice of as many as thirteen faculties to which they belong, including National security, internal security, naval security of states or security information systems. 

- We are grateful to Poczta Polska for honoring our jubilee with a postage stamp. Our cooperation has been constantly developing and intensifying in recent years. Together, we implement with the saying many educational projects, they include the summer cyber security school, MBA studies, and soon also cares. Now they are joined by a philatelic emission, which graces our jubilee celebrations - stressed cadmium. prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szubrycht, rector-commander of the Naval Academy.

Stamp on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of maritime military education and other Poczta Polska publishing houses can be purchased at designated Poczta Polska outlets and the online store: http://www.filatelistyka.poczta-polska.pl 

About the stamp: 

Project author: Poczta Polska
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.90 PLN
ECCUTION: 126 thousand
