Poczta Polska increases the employment of people with disabilities
The employment rate for people with disabilities in Poczta Polska increases every year. Poczta Polska strives to implement the requirements that PFRON imposes on it and the postulates of the "Inclu (VI) Inclu (VI) partnership: a new vision of an open labor market for people with disabilities", which she joined last year. The purpose of the partnership is to build a socially integrating labor market and a significant increase in employment of people with disabilities.
The employment rate for people with a disability certificate in Poczta Polska increases every year. At the end of 2022, it amounted to 2.77% of employees, at the end of 2023–2.96%. This is due to the company's policy regarding the employment of people with disabilities, but also managerial staff, which is open to cooperation with employees with disabilities.
Poczta Polska notes the largest factor of employed people with disabilities in the Gorzów Wielkopolski region. Finally, the indicator was 7.98%here, which is more than the employment indicator expected by PFRON and this is the highest result of all cities. Gdańsk came second with a 5.55%indicator, on the third Kielce with a 4.52%indicator. The systematic increase in employment of people with disabilities is noted in most regions.
People with disability decisions work in various positions - in post offices, in sorting plants and in administration. Since 2018, the company also has a "policy of employing people with disabilities."
People with disabilities are valuable and loyal employees. They do not distinguish their competences or skills from non -disabled employees, but their health. Work and professional activity are very important to them. It is not only a source of income, it also has socialization functions - it also affects the integration and building of social ties, self -realization and satisfaction.
The originator and initiator of the Inclu (VI) partnership is the Activation Foundation, which has been involved in education and professional activation of disabled people for over 30 years. It was officially inaugurated during the "Inclu (VI) Sion Congress: a new vision of an open labor market for people with disabilities." The purpose of the partnership is important - quantitative and qualitative - an increase in employment of people with disabilities on the labor market in Poland until 2030.
An employer who employs at least 25 employees in a full -time working time must make monthly payments to the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People. They are obliged to do so if they do not reach 6% of the employment rate of disabled people.