Podlasie monastery on a new card. Poczta Polska issued the second philatelic value of the "war destruction" emissions

Podlasie monastery on a new card. Poczta Polska issued the second philatelic value of the "war destruction" emissions

Poczta Polska continues the philatelic emission devoted to the subject of war damage. This time, one of the most valuable treasures of the Podlasie region was presented on the new postcard - a monastery of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God and Saint. John the theologian. The presentation of the postcard took place on September 12 at the Ikon Museum in Supraśl.

A solemn presentation of a postcard with a printed sign of the "war destruction" emission fee took place in the monastery of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God. He took part in the event, among others Jacek Sasin - Minister of State Asset, Mariusz Gromko - Senator of the Republic of Poland, Artur Kosicki - Marshal of the Podlasie Voivodship , priest Archimandrite Dr. Sergiusz (Matwiejczuk), Radosław Dobrowolski - mayor of the Supraśl commune, Krzysztof Falkowski - president of Poczta Polska and Wojciech Krysztofik and Wiesław Włodek - vice president of Poczta Polska.

The author of the publishing house, Jarosław Ochandzan, in the field of the card fee mark placed the image of the monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Supraśl. In the illustration part of the card there was a photograph of the ruins of the church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Supraśl, blown up by the Germans during World War II. The design of the value used photos from the collections of the Cultural Association, Collegium Suprasliense "and the Municipal Office in Supraśl.

The war history of the current monastery in Supraśl

Supraśl during World War II suffered from two occupiers. The Germans entered here in mid -September 1939, and a week later the city was occupied by the Soviets. In the buildings of the historic Pobasilian monastery, they arranged barracks and destroyed the equipment of the temple, including a unique iconostasis from the 17th century by the palaces of local factories - Zacharts and Buchholtz - were looted from valuable books, furniture and paintings that were taken to the USSR. After the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the Russians burned the historic palace of the abbots from the mid-seventeenth century-a part of the current monastery of the Holy Mother of God and Saint. John the theologian.

The Germans, occupying Supraśl from the summer of 1941 to the summer of 1944, have further destroyed development, including blowing up the synagogue. This was a prelude to the extermination of the Jewish population, finally ended in 1942, when it was taken to the Białystok ghetto, and from there to the Treblinka extermination camp. In 1944, in the face of the upcoming front, the occupiers used the tactics of burned soil, destroying almost all Suprasian factories, a sawmill and a bridge on the river. On July 23, 1944, they blew up the symbol of the city - a historic church. After the Germans' departure in Supraśl, the Red Army argued again. She ruined the interior of the Buchholtz Palace, the Evangelical Church and the People's House and many residential facilities.

Monastery of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God and Saint. Jan theologian was erected in the years 1503–1510 in the Gothic-Bizantine style. The facility was built in Uroczysko Suchy Hrud on the initiative of the main founder Aleksander Chodkiewicz, the voivode of Nowogróda. Shortly after the end of the war, reconstruction and conservation works lasted, which lasted several dozen subsequent years. In the 1980s, the church was rebuilt, completed in 2021, when a restored temple was solemnly dedicated.

Currently, over 500-year-old Orthodox male monastery in Supraśl, called Lavra Supraska, is one of the most important church centers of monastic life in Poland. He played a significant role in the history of the Commonwealth as a center of spirituality, education and culture. Outstanding iconographic and musical works were created here. It was here that the 11th-century manuscript called the Supraski Code was discovered, which is a unique monument of Old Celican literature.

First broadcast on war damage

In August 2022, Poczta Polska began a new philatelic series of "war destruction" emissions. As the first in the series, she presented the Saski Palace, which was on a piece of paper with a printed postmark sign.

The designer Jarosław Obsendzan showed in the field of the post card fee mark the image of the Saxon Palace building in the pre -war state, dated before 1939. The illustration section of the card also included a photo of the ruins of the Saxon Palace and the Saxon Garden in Warsaw from 1945. The broadcast was completed by a date stamp with the graphics of symbolic bombs falling on the city.

Pictures from the resources of the Military Historical Bureau and the Warsaw Uprising Museum were used in the card design. During the design works, Poczta Polska was supported by the Central Military Library, Military Historical Office, Palace Saski sp. Z oo and the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

The initiator of the "War Destruction" issue project is the Minister of State Asset Jacek Sasin.

About a piece of paper:

Author of the Card Design: Jarosław Ochandzan
Number of cards: 1
Value: A
circulation: 5,000
Print technique: Offset
format card: 148 x 105 mm
circulation date: August 31, 2023.
