Polish birds on postage stamps

Polish birds on postage stamps

Basic CmykOn Monday, November 30 this year, Poczta Polska will introduce the emission stamps of "Polish birds".

 The author of the projects, Marzanna Dąbrowska, presented on the stamps: the stork of the White Ciconia Ciconia - on the tag two white storks standing on the nest, the Black Ciconia Nigra - on the tag of a black stork with spread wings, the white Ardea Alba - in the back of a white hat and a hat. Aredea Cinerea - gray heron in flight. In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has released, in a limited version, two FDC envelopes, i.e. envelopes on the first day of circulation. They have a white heron and a black stork in their natural environment.

- By fulfilling its educational role, Poczta Polska introduces stamps to circulation not only commemorating characters and events important for our homeland, but also shows topics in the field of technology, culture, science and nature. An example of the latter is the latest broadcast "Polish birds" with 4 stamps with tags. The beautifully shown white stork and black stork, as well as white heron and gray heron, are proof of diversity, color and richness of our native fauna and flora. I believe that the current emission of stamps will be just as warmly accepted by our clients as all previous issues in this series and will contribute to the promotion of Polish nature - said Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.

At the end of last year, the Polish Zoological Society found 462 species of birds in Poland. 236 of them are breeding species, and the others are wintering birds, sporadically arranging or migrating through Poland. The most serious bird in our country is the swan. The greatest span of the wings is proud of the white -tailed Eagle, which, contrary to the beaten views, is not an eagle, but a hawk. And the highest Polish bird is not a stork at all, but a crane, which reaches 140 cm high.

In the past, Poczta Polska has repeatedly published stamps with bird images. The first two editions of the "Polish birds" emissions covered stamps in the form of blocks, depicting an ordinary kingfisher (Alcedo Atthis) in 2013 and ordinary acorn (Merops apiaster) in 2014. However, in 2015 and 2017, stamps depicting eight species of native owls - Puchacza, swimming pool and hairy (2015) and Italian (2015) Snowy, a goat, rowan and Uszatka (2017).

About stamps:

Author of stamp designs: Marzanna Dąbrowska
Number of stamps: 4
Value: 3.30 PLN Each
circulation: 100,000 pieces of each
printing technique: offset
format stamp: 43 x 31.25
Paper: fluorescent
sales sheets: 4 stamps and 4 tags.
Date of introduction into circulation: November 30, 2020.

Stamps of this emissions can be purchased at the Poczta Polska's online philatelic store .
