Polish-Greek hero on the postage stamp
Poczta Polska introduced the "Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz" emission stamp. The value, presenting the silhouette of one of the most effective sabotists of World War II, went to post offices throughout the country.
On March 25, 2021, there is a double anniversary of the start of the Greek struggle for independence. Greece is celebrating this milestone, which gave rise to a modern Greek state as well as initiated a new era for Europe and the entire region.
-The occasional stamp of Poczta Polska depicting the hero of two nations, Jerzy Ivanov-Szajnowicz, speaks for himself. His words spoken at the time of execution: "Long live Greece, let Poland live" forever remain in our memory. We hope that the virtual presentation of the stamp, resulting from pandemic reasons, will be replaced by a direct form of contact. This will allow the implementation of double-sided double-sided contacts as it was in the past -said Michael-Efstratios C. Daratzikis, Greek ambassador in Poland.
The author of the stamp project, Agnieszka Sancewicz, presented a photograph on the stamp showing Jerzy Ivanov-Szajnowicz just before the beginning of World War II. The photo, exposed by Mirosław Szponar, comes from the family collections of Leonardy Lambrianid, niece Ivanov-Szajnowicz. In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, the FDC envelope, i.e. an envelope on the first day of circulation. It presents items related to intelligence and subversive activities.
- When issuing postage stamps, the company not only wants to focus on the aesthetic values of its publications and provide recipients with beautiful values. First of all, we want to use the great power of philately and remind through it about the most important figures and events in the history of Poland, Europe and the world. This becomes particularly important when it comes to forgotten heroes of history. Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz, immortalized at the latest Poczta Polska Stamp, certainly belonged to such, immortalized at the latest Polish Post Office. According to historians, his popularity is disproportionate to the scale of his feats, because although he did not have a single soldier at his disposal, but only his innate talent, he is assessed as the most effective sabotageist in the history of intelligence - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.
Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz was an outstanding agent of Polish and British special services and a well-deserved activist of the Greek resistance movement. According to many specialists, he was the most effective sabotist, which the Allies had in the whole period of World War II. He was posthumously awarded the Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari Order, the Cross of Bradom - the highest war distinction of the Kingdom of Greece and the second in the hierarchy war decoration of the Greek Republic and the Jerzy Cross - the highest civil state award of the United Kingdom. Ivanow-Szajnowicz was also a talented athlete (football, water ball, swimming and sailing).
-Thank you for the fact that Poczta Polska, joining the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Greek independence, took the initiative that came out from our parliamentary group and commemorated on this occasion the figure of a special hero of nations. "Long live Greece, let Poland live!" -Words shouted by Szajnowicz at the moment when he stood in front of the German enforcement platoon, to this day they are the foundation of deep respect present in our bilateral relations -said MP Daniel Milewski, chairman of the Polish-Greek parliamentary group.
- By fulfilling his educational mission, Poczta Polska with the latest circulation stamp introduces the figure of the hero of Poland and Greece, whose advantages, skills and achievements can be talked about. Polyglot, an excellent athlete, Polish scout, agent of Polish and British special services and a hero of the Greek resistance movement. By many, called Polish James Bond, he proved his heroism that for freedom it is worth sacrificing even life. The Greeks see in it an example of the involvement of Poles in the fight for Greek freedom, and we also pay tribute to those who fought for Greek independence 200 years ago - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.
In April 2019, the company introduced the emission stamp "100. Anniversary of establishing Polish-Greek diplomatic relations. "
About the stamp:
Project author: Agnieszka Sancewicz
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 8 PLN
ECCUCATION: PLN 10,000,000 pcs.
Printing technique: Rotograwiura
BAMPA Format: 31.25 x 25 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 100 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: March 25, 2021.
This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased at post offices and the online store: www.filatelistyka.poczta-polska.pl