A message on the transfer of voters' list

A message on the transfer of voters' list

Logo_Poziom_302x159On May 9, 2020, the Act of 6 April 2020 entered into force on special rules for conducting universal elections as the President of the Republic of Poland ordered in 2020 ( Journal of Laws of 2020, item 827 ) - hereinafter: "Act". Pursuant to art. 15 para. 1 of the Act, a list of voters in a given commune referred to in art. 26 § 4 of the Electoral Code, Poczta Polska SA should be transferred on the day the Act enters into force.

On the basis of the provision of art. 15 para. the Regulation was issued by the Minister of State Asset regarding the transfer of voters of the municipal regional electoral commission and the operator appointed in connection with the bringing of universal elections to the President of the Republic of Poland ordered in 2020, according to which the censuses of voters are transmitted in the Polish Post of Poland in the form of electronic electronic signature, personal signature or trusted signature. The file should be edited in .xLS or .xlsx format without a password with a name consisting of the name of the commune and the TERR code of the commune. The list of voters should be handed over to IT data carriers to the local director of the network region in the structure of the Poczta Polska Said Poczta Poczta SA. The list of regions of the network is located in the Postal Information Bulletin of Poczta Polska SA: http://bip.poczta-polska.pl/wykaz-regionow-sieci/ . The list of voters should also be transferred by ePUAP to the electronic passing box of Poczta Polska SA, i.e.: /Poczta_Polska /Elections2020

For technical reasons, the maximum size of a single attachment should not exceed 500MB.
