We warn against receiving unexpected download shipments
Postcards warn against a new method of extorting money from Poles. Submission of downloaders to random addressees is an increasingly common phenomenon. The content of the parcels consists of low -quality items. The amount indicated from the recipient is repeatedly exceeded by the cost of the item sent. Senders are also people of other nationality.
The new method of extorting money involves sending items with a negligible value, such as a plastic ring or ball, when indicating disproportionately high to the content of the parcel, the amount of download from the addressee. Customers who decide to collect the package from a stranger broadcasts thus expose themselves to expenses of several dozen to even several hundred zlotys. Poczta Polska warns against the receipt of unexpected download shipments. At the time of the courier's visit with an unexpected package, it is worth asking who the sender is. In case of doubt, customers have the right to refuse to accept the parcel. The new method of extorting money is associated with the development of e-commerce. More and more customers are choosing shopping online, often choosing the option of delivery. The sender, who sends a parcel with a low -value item by indicating a high collection amount, hopes that the recipient will mistake a package with their or his loved ones. Very often the addressees act under the influence of impulse. At the time of the courier's unexpected visit and the need to make a quick choice, the recipients decide to pay and accept a mysterious shipment. Adopting such a package for the vast majority of addressees ends with disappointment and unjustified depletion of the budget.
Remember that everyone who accepts the cash on delivery and feels cheated with its content should report such an event to the police.