Shipments from Lidl will go to customers thanks to Poczta Polska
In 2022, Poczta Polska will continue cooperation with Lidl. The well -known market of supermarkets once again focuses on cooperation with the company. As a result of the talks and positive customer opinions, the post office in the coming year will again be Lidl's partner in the delivery of shipments in Poland.
The development of courier services while simultaneously focused on maintaining and acquiring new customers, are the foundations of the Poczta Polska strategy for 2021-2023. Qualitative changes and a refreshed image of Pocztex, as well as an offer more suited to the expectations of customers, are the advantages of Poczta Polska in a dynamic struggle about the lead in the courier market dominated by foreign entities. The decision to continue cooperation between Lidl and post in 2022 is proof of customer satisfaction from the level of services and their competitiveness.
Currently as much as 80 percent Poczta Polska's revenues are generated by services considered non -fertile, such as a list of volume, and only about 20 percent. - perspective services. The company's management board intends to reveal these proportions. The analysis of market trends shows average annual increases in the courier, express and parcels market (KEP) at 15-16%, which creates favorable conditions for developing these services. The number of transactions carried out on-line is constantly growing, as well as the number of online stores. The analysis carried out by PWC shows that in the next 5 years the e-commerce market in Poland will reach a gross value of PLN 162 billion, maintaining a two-digit rate of annual growth.
Within three years, Poczta Polska plans to allocate an impressive amount of PLN 1.2 billion for investments in the field of automation, digitization and expansion of logistics network architecture. By the end of this year, the company will allocate PLN 400 million for investments in parcel machines, digitization, logistics and process automation. It is worth emphasizing that the level of investment in relation to the revenues of Poczta Polska is to exceed the current average for other postal operators. In 2019, it was only 1.2%, but a year later (in 2020) it increased to 3.4%. The strategic "acceleration" of Poczta Polska, however, is gaining momentum. In the years 2021-2023, the level of investment in relation to revenues will be about 5.8% and will exceed the existing expenditure incurred by Poczta Polska. Customers who are increasingly willing to cooperate with the national operator are feeling positive changes in the company.