Shipments from Vinted now also in the network of Poczta Poczta Poczta Poczta
From July this year Poczta Polska enables Vinted customers the ability to collect Pocztex courier parcels also via Pocztex Channel (over 17,000 pickup points).
Facilities for Vinted customers, which is introduced by the Polish Post, is a response to the expectations and requirements of people using online purchases. Now - at the place and time of their choice - they can collect the ordered courier parcels not only at home, but also in a wide network of receipt points: post offices, Żabka, Biedronka, Lewiatan, ABC and Delikatesy Centrum stores. Quick and convenient - on the way to work, returning from friends or on the occasion of dealing with everyday matters.
- Vinted is an important business partner of Poczta Polska. We want its customers to have access to the full package of possibilities offered by the use of our services. Collection points are convenience, time saving and comfort. We receive the parcel where we are along the way, in a convenient time. I hope that having access to new functionalities, the seller and buyers through Vinted will even choose Poczta Polska even more often - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board.
From April this year. Poczta Polska allows you to transfer shipments to send not only in post offices, but also in the Żabka network. This is a partner of the company, which has a total of about 13 thousand. points. Parcels can be broadcast in Żabki from Monday to Saturday, from the morning to late evening, and in some stores - also on Sunday. Each of these options increases the convenience of Vinted users using the services of Poczta Polska.
As part of marketing campaigns promoting courier services - conducted, among others With Vinted - Poczta Polska enables the use of Pocztex services at promotional prices. Vinted customers could broadcast shipments at preferential prices from April this year.
Poczta Polska is constantly developing its services for the ECOMMERCE market. Its flagship service for customers using shopping online is Pocztex, under which the company offers multi-channel of deliveries: Pocztex Point, Machine and Courier. Shipments broadcast via Pocztex can be quickly and conveniently picked up over 17,000 pickup points: in postal facilities, shops - Żabka, Biedronka, Lewiatan, ABC, Delikatesy Centrum, Kiosks and Saloniki Press Square, at Orlen Fuel Stations and in Paczowe Mothers