Preparations for the installation of the sorter in the postal sorting plant in the Lisim Tail near Bydgoszcz
Poczta Polska is preparing for the installation of a modern parcel sorter in the Logistics Hall of Podbydgoskie. The company has signed a contract with a contractor that will carry out construction works enabling the installation of a modern parcel sorter.
Remodeling and modernization of the postal logistics network is a strategic project currently implemented by the company. After the start of adaptation works in the Sorting Room in Wrocław and Lublin and the conclusion of the contract for a new logistics facility for Warsaw, the adaptation of the facility in the Lisim Tail near Bydgoszcz begins.
As a result of the tender procedure, a contractor was selected - Revbud SA from Toruń for the implementation of adaptation works in the logistics hall of Wer Lisi Ogon. The scope of scheduled works is the reconstruction of the main logistics hall, which will allow the installation of a parcel sorter. In addition, two buildings will be built: warehouse and edition and office, directly connected to the existing hall.
- After the start of modernization works in our Wroclaw and Lublin hall, the time has come for a sorting room in the Lisim Tail near Bydgoszcz. Poczta Polska comprehensively approaches the issue of optimization and improvement of the efficiency of logistics processes, the effects of which will soon be felt by the inhabitants of the whole country. Modernizacja naszych obiektów i dostosowanie ich do zwiększającego się wolumenu przesyłek paczkowych to kolejny krok w kierunku nowoczesności i poprawy efektywności obsługi przesyłek dla klientów biznesowych i indywidualnych – podkreśla Krzysztof Falkowski, Prezes Zarządu Poczty Polskiej.
As part of the planned work in the existing logistics facility, the executive company will rebuild in the central part of the hall and the transfer of all necessary installations to the future sorting machine. In addition, the building will be equipped with 10 new reloading docks as well as office, social, technical and cleaning rooms. The system of internal communication routes will also change as a result of the work.
From the northern part of the hall, a warehouse and existing facility with an area of 566 m2 will be built, which will adhere directly to the wall of the technology building. He will perform, among others The function of storage of collective packaging and supporting logistics processes related to issuing shipments to couriers. A total of 14 courier gates available from the zero level were designed on its two opposite walls. Access roads will be brought to the new docks, and the arrangement of maneuvering squares will be modernized, which will allow faster issuing of sorted shipments.
Drugim z zaplanowanych obiektów będzie dwukondygnacyjny biurowiec usytuowany od południowej strony hali technologicznej o powierzchni 335 m 2 . The newly designed building will include Office, training, technical or social rooms.
As a result of the work carried out, the total usable area of the sorting plant in the Lisim Tail will increase by over 900 m 2 . Simultaneously with the adaptive work this year, the start of the sorter installation for the automatic chapter of packages was planned.
– Obserwując obecną sytuację rynkową i rozwijający się rynek e-Commerce, bardzo istotne jest posiadanie właściwie zlokalizowanych i wyposażonych obiektów logistycznych. This is crucial for shortening the delivery time to the customer, especially Pocztex courier packages. Dzięki tej inwestycji wzrośnie efektywność obsługi oraz zwiększy się konkurencyjność i jakość oferowanych usług – podkreśla Andrzej Bodziony, Wiceprezes Zarządu Poczty Polskiej.
Poczta Polska implements a logistics network transformation project to support the increasing volume of KEP shipments (courier, coffee machine, package). The architecture of the logistics network is one of the most important strategic initiatives of Poczta Polska. The implementation of this project will enable smooth transformation of the current logistics network, mainly adapted to operate letters, to the target network, in which KEP and e-commerce shipments will be released.
Recently, adaptation work of the sorting plant in Wrocław and Lublin has also begun. They are aimed at modernizing existing logistics halls, as well as adapting the processes implemented on it for the installation of new parcel sorts.