Recruitment of postal workers
In connection with the intensive development of the ECOMmerce sector, Poczta Polska actively recruits new employees to the Sorting Room in Warsaw. Several dozen stable jobs are waiting for candidates when serving postal packages. Recruitment is also a consequence of the board's decision to limit the scale of employee dismissals by over 50 percent. in relation to the original plans.
Poczta Polska actively develops the service of the growing volume of KEP shipments (courier, express, parcel), implemented for the dynamically developing e-commerce market. The company's new strategy plans include investments in a modern machine park - including the purchase of 3 automatic sorting machines, where the post office has started and announced purchasing proceedings.
In connection with the development of ecommerce, the company attaches special importance to the issue of constant improvement of the quality of services rendered and systematic improvement in timeliness in the implementation of the shipping distribution process.
- We have a job offer for people who are looking for permanent full -time employment and those who want to combine education with work and look for employment in a reduced working time. We offer employment contracts and mandate contracts as well as training. Because Poczta Polska is the largest logistics company in Poland, working in our company can be a great start to a career in logistics and courier services. We are open to people who do not have experience in these industries, but are ready to retrain - emphasizes Justyna Siwek, spokesman for Poczta Polska.
Currently, Poczta Polska is actively recruiting new employees to the Warsaw Sorting Sorting plant at ul. Connections 8. There are several dozen vacancies to offer. Employment contracts and mandate contracts are waiting for those willing, also part -time. It is welcome to have rights in the field of forklift service or category B driving license. Employees are also employed by a postal sorting plant in Wrocław and in bailiffs near Poznań.
Recruitment to the sorting plant is in Poczta Polska in two -way - to postal workers who would be ready to retrain, as well as to external candidates. The advantage of work is professional development and stability of employment in an important area of the company's operations. Poczta offers a full training package in the above -mentioned candidate.
It is worth recalling that in connection with new regulations for shipments from outside the EU, which will become effective on July 1, 2021, in Poczta Polska, employees were recruited for customs and tax service in the Sortykównia in Warsaw and Lublin. Recruitment was conducted under the slogan: "Work with us and develop in customs service."
After the I. Quarter this year. The company's management board after analyzing planned activities and trends on the postal services market decided to significantly reduce the scale of planned group layoffs by over 50 percent. in relation to the original plans. The scale of exemptions, from the pre -assumed reduction, was limited to only 960 jobs. Changes in the employment structure, resulting from the need to adapt to changes in services, take place, among others through internal recruitment and retraining.
Current job offers can be found at