Distribution of mailboxes

Distribution of mailboxes

boxes-ścztowe_300_300In connection with repetitive cases of difficulties in delivery of correspondence (in particular to the addressees residing in the so -called "closed housing estates"), Poczta Polska reminds about the need to cooperate with postal operators and users of premises in the present case.

In accordance with the applicable legal status, postal boxes should be located so that all postal operators operating on the market have free access to them.

The owners or co -owners of the land on which the residential building is located are obliged to place a passing mailbox that meets the following requirements:

  • in the case of single -family buildings - placing the box in front of the entrance door to the building or in a generally available part of the property;
  • In the case of multi -family buildings - placing in the generally available part of the property a set of postal boxes in the number corresponding to the number of residential premises and other purposes (if they have a separate address).

In the event that the access to the postman to mailboxes is difficult, the Polish Post has been submitted to the owner/co -owner of the premises with a request to place deputy boxes in accordance with applicable regulations or transferring to the company "input codes" or keys enabling free access to boxes.

In addition, we would like to inform you that the designated operator has the right to install and use in rural areas or areas with distributed buildings of their own transmitting mailboxes (after agreeing with the relevant commune head, mayor or city president), on conditions agreed with the owner, perpetual usufructuary or self -owner of the property.
