We are expanding cooperation with Biedronka to include locations for parcel machines

We are expanding cooperation with Biedronka to include locations for parcel machines

LadybirdThe Biedronka network and the National Postal Operator, Poczta Polska extend cooperation with locations for parcel machines, thus increasing the offer of postal services available to customers of both companies. Already in the first half of 2022, mail machines under the Pocztex brand will be installed in at least 750 locations next to Biedronka stores throughout the country. 

Strategic cooperation between the Biedronka network and Poczta Polska will enable over 4 million customers a day, convenient broadcasting and receiving packages from vending machines while making daily purchases.

- We are developing a network of our own packages, because we want to be even more competitive for both individual recipients and our business partners, providing them with the expected highest quality of services provided. Of our 2,000 devices, at least 750 will stand next year at Biedronka stores - said Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

The first Pocztex Automatic devices will be located in parking lots at Biedronka's network branches and will appear in the first quarter of 2022. The machines will be able to conveniently broadcast and pick up packages. In addition, they will be equipped with, among others into the touch screen and payment terminal. Customers will be able to make payments by card or BLIK directly in the mail machine for broadcast and download. For the visually impaired and blind people, additional access facilities are provided by equipping Pocztex vending machines with a special keyboard with Braille alphabet signs and voice service.

- Thanks to the extension of current cooperation with the Polish Post, our clients will be able to receive and broadcast packages during their daily purchases, using convenient and modern devices. In the middle of next year, this possibility will apply to almost every fourth Biedronka network facility - says Przemysław Jurowicz, real estate management director at the Biedronka network.

New Pocztex Automatic devices will appear in 4 basic color variants: Ecru, gray, red and green. This variety will allow the machine to be freely adapted to a given location and conditions of the immediate surroundings. Poczta Polska also provides the possibility of adapting the individual colors of its devices located, e.g. at historic buildings to take into account the specifics of a specific place. Pocztex vending machines will occur in two sizes and will have 60 or 80 caches.

- Both Jeronimo Martins Polska SA and Poczta Polska, guided by the needs of their clients, decided to develop cooperation after the pilot of a joint undertaking in the field of pickups in the chain of Biedronka stores. Several million customers making shopping in Biedronka stores will gain the possibility of sending and collecting parcels within the Pocztex Form, and already in the first half of 2022, will be able to send and collect parcels in the Pocztex Automat option - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.

Along with the start of cooperation, it is also planned to launch a mobile application that allows you to broadcast, track and pick up packages in Pocztex vending machines located at Biedronka stores.
