The Polish Post Office is graced by a great sports event

The Polish Post Office is graced by a great sports event

runOctober 18 this year. The Polish Post has the 463th anniversary of the foundation. This is an important day for all postcards, which this year is honored by a great sports triad. In the competition in three disciplines - running, walking and cycling - all lovers of sport and healthy competition from all over Poland can take part. In addition, participants will be able to support local sports clubs that have suffered as a result of a pandemic.

The celebration of the Polish Post Office celebrated on October 18 is associated with the events of 1558. That day, King Zygmunt II August established a permanent postal connection between Krakow and Venice through Vienna. The new institution was established in order to become independent of the imperial mail and the factor of the Fugger family from Augsburg. The monarch also wanted to create a permanent information corridor for diplomatic and commercial contacts with other European countries. Zygmunt II August argued his decision as follows: "Being an eye on our own and our subjects' convenience, so that both us and them could send to Italy both letters as well as other matters there."

- Not forgetting about the glorious past, we also have the present and future in mind. Our company currently entered the transformation process, which ultimately is to lead us to the place where the post office, based on the experience and trust of Poles, will offer clients services at the highest world level, which today-in the era of the development of new technologies and the growing trend of the e-institution-clients expect from us-emphasizes Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

This year, postalists celebrate their festival, encouraging other people to the same. The company, together with partners from the company's capital group, invites all lovers of a healthy lifestyle to participate in a virtual sports triad, which takes place on October 16-31 this year. After the success of last year's edition, in which runners measured with each other (in the total number of nearly 1,500 people), the company expanded the framework of the events with new disciplines - march and cycling. The event initiating the Virtual Sports Triad was the stationary run for the Poczta Polska Cup, which took place on October 16 in Szymanowski Park in Warsaw. The competition was patronized by the Mayor of Stołeczna Wola, in which the players stood with each other. This was not the only run that took place that day as part of the Virtual Sports Triad. Postcards and lovers of a healthy lifestyle have measured each other in many other cities and towns throughout the country. Everywhere there was a healthy competition and positive, sporting emotions. In total, the Triad was initiated by several hundred people in Poland.

The virtual sports triad will last two weeks - from 16 to 31 October.

The event's partners are companies from the Poczta Polska Capital Group: Envelo, Postdata, Bank Pocztowy, Poczta Polska Dystrybucja and Pocztylion - Arka PTE.

It is worth noting that the participants of the Virtual Sports Triad will support the charges of the "Postal Dar" Foundation (the amount of PLN 5, which will be used for charity purposes from each purchased starter package). The money will go, among others to small, local sports clubs, which bring together young (and not only) talented sports lovers.

You can sign up to participate in the Virtual Sports Triad of Poczta Polska via the website until the last day of the event.

We cordially invite you to celebrate the Postal Economy through sports competition!
