The speed of electronic information and the certainty of the registered letter, without profiling, spam and advice. We present the facts about Q-measures

The speed of electronic information and the certainty of the registered letter, without profiling, spam and advice. We present the facts about Q-measures

Poczta Polska implemented another trust service used to send correspondence in electronic form-Q-rescue. It can be used by non -public entities. In 2021, she introduced e-mails-a solution for communication with public institutions.

Contrary to untrue information, Q-Date is not an ordinary e-mail! This is a fully safe form of sending information and documents, including confidential ones, guaranteeing the possibility of identifying the sender and recipient and determining the time of shipping and receipt of correspondence. It combines all the advantages of a registered letter of electronic messages: speed, convenience, security, credibility and reliability, but without their flaws.

Trust services meet the highest security standards. In none of the countries that offer them, there was a leak of information, data and documents sent through them.


Poczta Polska introduced a trust service used for electronic communication-Q-Drings. This extension of the solution previously available only to communication with public entities. Thanks to Q-measures, you can safely and quickly communicate with natural persons or companies. This is an electronic alternative to traditional paper registered letters.

Q-detectures ensure a quick and safe exchange of correspondence and-as in the case of a registered letter-obtaining evidence of granting and receipt. The owner of the electronic address is verified when it is given by the minister to the appropriate computerization, which is why we are sure that correspondence will go to the indicated recipient.

Electronic delivery can be used by people who meet two conditions. First of all, they have a unique address for electronic service (ADE), issued by an administrative decision by the minister competent for computerization, comparable to PESEL or NIP numbers, broadcast for specific people or companies. Secondly, they will always confirm their identity and authenticate using the electronic identification means, e.g. a trusted profile, e-edge or the Mobcit application.

Having a unique address and verification of identity guarantee that we are sure who is really a participant in communication - the sender and the recipient. Unlike an ordinary email, we cannot create an account of any name, impersonating someone's personal details. By using Q-Drings, we are sure that we are corresponding to the person with whom we really want to contact and the correspondence will reach the right addressee, not in the hands of hackers.

The security of Q-Drings is also guaranteed by their supplier. The service can only be provided by entities entered on the so -called List of trust service providers that meet restrictive security standards regarding the requirement to maintain confidentiality and integrity of messages sent.

The trust service is not only offered in Poland. This solution is available in many European countries. None of them has previously been a leakage of information sent via electronic delivery. In the case of traditional emails, the disclosure of the content contained in them often occurs. Due to its popularity, e -mail is one of the most popular goals of cybercriminals attacks.

In the coming years, all offices and companies will send documents using electronic delivery (they are obliged to do so). The use of electronic delivery by private individuals is voluntary, but if this path is given all administrative and business correspondence, the use of comfortable, fast, safe and reliable Q-Dorutations will become a natural way of communication.

The security of IT services offered by Poczta Polska is supervised by the CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) Polish Post Office on February 6, 2022 and entered on the global list of cyber security teams, and thus admitted to the international community of this type of teams. This reduces the risk of effective attacks and recognize infrastructure maturity at the highest world level in terms of cyber security services.

Q-dreation, as a service of trust, is covered by special supervision and security. A dedicated infrastructure isolated from other services was used, which ensures a flexible adjustment of safety rules. It is launched in a dedicated infrastructure, while certified Poczta Polska employees supervise and audit the entire process, which ensures adequate division of roles, increasing the security of services.

Data security and integrity are provided, among others, by advanced time tags with built -in data integrality allowing accurate, faithful and truthful saving of events (e.g. sending, receiving).

The highest global service security standards, as well as maintaining its confidentiality and integrity, guarantees the granted EIDAS certificate 0.3 of the qualified trust service for registered electronic delivery.
