Transatlantics on postage stamps
Poczta Polska introduced 3 postage stamps "Polish transatlantics". The circulation of each of them is 140,000. The new series "Polish transatlantics" went to post offices throughout the country on July 23 this year.
The author of the stamp's designs is the artist artist Marzanna Dąbrowska, and the three Polish pre -war transatlantics presented on them: SS Polonia, SS Pułaski and SS Kościuszko, painted marinist Adam Werka.
The first stamp showed the SS Polonia transatlantic. This steamer was founded in 1910 in Glasgow. He came to Poland in 1930 and was initially used by the Polish Company Transatlantic Ship Society (PTTO), and then, from October 1934, by Gdynia-America, Sail Lines SA. SS Polonia supported the Gdynia-Kopenhaga-Halifax-Nowy York line, and from 1933 the so-called The Palestinian line, running on the route Konstanca-Stambuł-Jafa-Hajfa-Pireus-Stambula-Konstanca.
The second stamp presents the SS Kościuszko SS transatlantic. This ship, like Polonia, went to the Polish transatlantic Shipping Society in 1930. It swam on the lines of New York, Palestinian and South American and as a cruise. On the eve of the outbreak of World War II, he was directed to Great Britain. In 1941 he came to the flag of the Polish Navy, where he ran as a transporter of the army, taking part, among others in landing in Sicily.
The third steamer, presented in the series of stamps "Polish transatlantics", is SS Pułaski. He was swimming under the Polish flag from 1930 on the Gdynia-Nowy York route. In 1932, the steamer transported the Polish Olympic team to the Los Angeles Games. From 1936, the SS Pułaski unit was redirected to the Gdynia-Buenos Aires route. After the outbreak of World War II, Polish soldiers were transported on its deck, interned previously in Hungary and Romania, to France, where they could join the native army formed there and continue to fight alongside the Allies.
Poczta Polska completed the series "Polish transatlantics" with thematic envelopes on the first day of circulation. They are presented on individual ships in the paintings of Adam Werka in the war robe and their sketches by Marek Twardowski.
For over a quarter of a century, Polish passenger liners have no longer on transatlantic routes - they have been replaced by planes. The white-and-red Bandera spat on them for 57 years. The history of Polish, ocean passenger navigation was made up of nine transatlanticists, several thousand sailors and officers working on them. In addition to this year's three, Poczta Polska in the following years, wants to show another 6 transatlantyrs: Piłsudski, Batory, Sobieski, Chrobry, Jagiełło and Stefan Batory.
About stamps:
Author of projects: Marzanna Dąbrowska
Number of stamps: 3
Value: 3.30 PLN Each
circulation: 140,000 pcs.
Printing technique each stamp: Offset
format stamp: 76.5 x 31.25 mm
Sales sheet: 6 stamps