Three stamps on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Nations and Papal Missionary Works
Bishop Karol de Forbin-Janson, Joanna Bigard, blessed Paulina Jaricot found themselves on the stamps of Poczta Polska "Jubilees of papal missionary works", which appeared in circulation on June 3 this year.
The broadcast consists of three stamps in a block of flats designed by Agnieszka Sancewicz, who placed a portrait of one of the founders of individual works on each of them. The first was Bishop Karol de Forbin-Janson (1785-1844)-creator of the missionary work of children, on the second-Joanna Bigard (1859-1934)-initiator of the work of St. Piotr the Apostle, a secular person who, together with his mother, cared for appointments in mission countries. In the third stamp, the artist showed the blessed Paulina Jaricot (1799-1862)-the founder of the work of the spreading of faith and the Living Rosary. The Frenchwoman, who sacrificed her whole life, her talents and the good origin of the work of evangelization, was beatified in Lyon on May 22 this year.
A coat of arms of papal missionary works was placed on the block of the block, while on the FDC envelope - a historical map of the world.
- 2022 is very special and crucial for papal missionary works, which are an important papal tool in supporting the development of faith around the world. Not only because of the special anniversaries of the establishment of specific institutions, but above all due to the elevation of one of the founders of the work of arranging faith and a living rosary to the rank of blessed. Poczta Polska decided to honor the PDM jubilees and introduced a block with 3 stamps into circulation. We hope that our stamps will encourage the cavity to the goals and values that individual papal works are guided by - says the Vice President of Poczta Polska Wiesław Włodek.
The stamps were solemnly presented at Jasna Góra on June 4 this year, during the nationwide pilgrimage of the Living Rosary, which very actively supports papal missionary works. Wiesław Włodek, vice president of Poczta Polska together with Archbishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso - President of PDM - and Fr. Maciej Będziński - national director of PDM - solemnly unveiled a board with an enlarged block of stamps. In Jasna Góra, Poczta Polska was also represented by Mariusz Dawid, deputy director of the International Cooperation Office and the Philatelic of Poczta Polska and Janusz Paczkowski from the Poczta Polska Protection Center. During the Holy Mass Thanksgiving for the beatification of Paulina Jaricot, the block with the latest stamps became one of the gifts of the altar.
In 2022, there are several jubilees related to the papal missionary works, including: the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Nations, the 200th anniversary of the creation of the work of the Promotion of Faith and the 100th anniversary of recognition as the papal works of the development of faith, the works of St. Peter the Apostle and the missionary work of children, as well as the 150th anniversary of the birth of Bl. Paweł Manna, founder of the Papal Missionary Union.
– Observing the activities of Poczta Polska, especially in the dimension of philatelic, the promotion of good works and people, the idea was born in my heart to interest the Polish Post Board with a special and important event, which are jubilees of papal missionary works. This is a great form of promotion of good, history and great human achievements. When I presented this idea to representatives of papal missionary works from a hundred countries of the world, I noticed great interest and surprise that in Poland you can promote good in this way. I hope that the release of these jubilee stamps will show Poland even better as a cultural promoter, values and encourage the young generation to a beautiful hobby, which is philatelic.
Thank you for your help, consultation and cooperation to everyone involved in the creation of this beautiful and historical work - said Fr. Maciej Będziński, director of the national missionary works in Poland.
About the stamp:
Project author: Agnieszka Sancewicz
Number of stamps: 3 In the block
Value: 4 50 PLN Each
circulation: 100,000 blocks or each
print technique stamp: Rotograwiura
Break format: 40.5 x 54 mm Each
block format: 158 mm x 104 mm
paper: fluorescent: fluorescent