Watch out for fake websites

Watch out for fake websites

thumbnail_domena_twitterThe number of buyers via the Internet is growing, and with them the risk of data or money is increased. Fraudsters are not idle using the trusted brand of Poczta Polska. Criminals impersonate the company and "on its behalf" directly to clients messages to click on a suspicious link similar to the address of a real website belonging to the national operator, which is: .

Phishing is a method of impersonating known companies in order to extort confidential information, e.g. login data, personal data, and above all access to an electronic banking account. One way to appropriation of personal data of Internet users and their accounts is to use one of the manipulation techniques of a person consisting in exerting a specific influence and behavior by sending electronic messages.

Below are examples of websites not belonging to our company:

  • Post-Postka [.PL (Note !!!
  • Pocztapolska [.] Ga;
  • Pocztapolska [.] CF;
  • Poland-Paczta [.] TOP;
  • Help-Poczta24 [.] PL;
  • Post-Politics [.] Net [.] PL;
  • eMONItoring-Epoczta-Polish [.] Net;
  • eMonitoring-plpocztapolska [.] com;
  • eMonitoring-PayPocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Emonitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Com;
  • Tpocztapolska [.] COM;
  • Platnosc8512-Pocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Monitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Eupocztapolska [.] COM;
  • Emonitoring-Upocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Emonitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Net.

In order not to fall victim to cybercriminals, protect your data and assets, you should apply several rules:

1. Carefully read the addresses of pages sent in both emails and SMS;
2. Do not click on the links obtained from unknown broadcasters;
3. Never answer the request to provide personal data, passwords and/or account logins;
3 Be careful, do not click e.g.

RN as M (lowercase letters R and N as a lowercular letter M)

CL as D (lowercase letters C and L as a lower letter D)

Q as G (lower letter Q as a lowercular letter g)

· CJ as G (lowercase letters C and J as a lowercular letter g)

VV as in (double letter V as the letter W)

· You as A (lowercase letters C and as a lowercase letter A);

And as L (capital letter and as lowercase L)

L as I (lowercase L as a capital letter I)

1 as L (Cyfra 1 as a lower letter L)

1 as I (Cyfra 1 as a capital letter I)

L as 1 (lower letter L as number 1)

And as 1 (capital letter and as number 1)


5. Narust links attached to unknown senders may install unwanted malware;
6. Use anti -virus software, check its relevance and install the update and scan your computer regularly;
7. Change the passwords and take care of their appropriate "strength" without using slogans such as: 12345, qwerty, name, date of birth, spring2021.

If you receive a suspicious e-mail or if you suspect irregularities or incompatibilities, please inform about the event immediately to the email address: cyber .
