Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Polish Post Office 465 years with you! New image campaign.
The jubilee campaign of Poczta Polska started, prepared on the occasion of the 465th anniversary of the company. The campaign reminds you of the company's rich history, the involvement of postalists in favor of the homeland and Poles, and also outlines the main directions of development in the near future. Advertising activities are carried out through television emissions, in cinemas, large -format external media and on the Internet.
The main goal of the campaign is to build a new image of Poczta Polska, but based on identity and historical involvement of postalists in joining people. In the new spot, the national operator is shown cross -sectional, over the decades - as the oldest service institution in Poland. This is an unquestionable advantage that translates directly into rational and emotional benefits. Poczta Polska has no competition in this respect. The company's strength is the ability to adapt to new times and conditions. He is constantly evolving. It changes and responds to the challenges and the needs of subsequent decades and eras. On the other hand, the mission remains unchanged - service to Poland and Poles.
- Poczta Polska in its latest advertising campaign refers to the most important values and benefits offered by the brand. The company's advertising spot is an emotional journey in time. Thanks to modern production technologies, the material presents new quality in our communication. We focused on modernizing the narrative about the past and the future, showing how much Polish Poczta and subsequent generations of customers connect. Our story touches, but also brings a smile, showing that Poczta Polska has always been, is and will be close to Poles - comments Daniel Witowski, director responsible for the area of communication and marketing in Poczta Polska.
The new spot is designed to warm the image of Poczta Polska - giving it the character of institutions close to people, accompanying Poles for centuries, arousing positive and warm emotions, showing its durability, roots, a sense of responsibility for the country in difficult historical moments and all the values that follow it. The spot also visits the transformation of Poczta Polska over the years - adapting the company to market expectations and needs.
Modern communication in urban space was also used in the campaign. Creations will be displayed on spectacular, large -format screens, LED curtains, free -standing illuminated screens - located at the most busy points of urban agglomerations, as well as on LED screens - outside and inside shopping malls, located in six largest cities in Poland: Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Krakow, Łódź and Tri -City. ADVERTISEMENT Emitted on these media has a dynamic form, which effectively affects the recipient's interest. The support of the campaign are popular portals and information services as well as social media - Facebook, Instagram, as well as Google Ads and Search advertising in Google search engine.